Chapter 156

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Cass' POV

It was late and I was already at Kamski's. I had been there seeing what we could do about a lot of the issues that had been happening recently. We were trying to figure out how Shane had made Connor's virus to prevent it from spreading or happening again.

"Do you think he used a product of our deviancy?" I asked.

"Explain," Elijah replied.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe he figured out a bit of how we turn deviants and used the emotion trigger to heighten Connor's anger." He thought about it.

"It is possible. After all, deviants tend to self-destruct under stressful situations. Perhaps he could use that involuntary trigger tendency to influence one's reactions to different situations." He theorized. I nodded. Then, Kamski got a call from someone. He answered his phone.

"Elijah Kamski speaking." 

"U-um, hello, Sir. I-I have a friend that needs your help. I'm already on my way. Her name is (Y/n) and she said she knows you." I was stunned.

"(Y/n)!?" I exclaimed. He hushed me.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"She thinks something is wrong with the baby. She was spitting up blood and she passed out as I was taking her to my car! U-um, my name is Jaylin. I'm an android and I've been taking care of her for a while now." 

"I see. I will start preparing for your arrival. My assistant, Chloe, will meet you outside." Chloe, who was in the room with us, nodded and went to go wait for them. 

"Thank you, Sir!" Jaylin said.

"Of course. We will see you momentarily." With that, he hung up.

"Do you think she's alright?"

"(Y/n) is strong. I have no doubt she'll prevail. It's the infant that holds my concern."

"Do you think the baby is making her sick?" I asked.

"Possible...but there's only one way to be sure. We'll have to see once she arrives." I nodded. Kamski led the way to where he repaired Collin. We both worked to set it up so it was softer and more hospital-like.

Kamski got his machines and equipment ready. I was a bit concerned. What was he planning to do? Clean the baby of a virus?

"Elijah, we don't have any hospital equipment here. What are you planning to use to check the baby?"

"Trust me. Once she is here and I find out what's wrong, I'll be able to help her." I sighed.

"You're the expert."

We waited for a few minutes before Chloe came in. I saw a guy behind her carrying my sister. He looked worried, but I was more worried about my sister.

(I kept forgetting to put it in, so here's Jaylin.)


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