Chapter 115

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(Please wait to play the video, thank yals~!)

You swallowed hard. Connor was getting ready and you were currently staring at one of the only dresses you had. It had been so long since you'd needed one, that you'd sold or somehow gotten rid of most of them. You knew that the one you had was the best one for tonight, but your heart was pounding. Fuck, it's been ages since I've been on a date! God, why am I so nervous!? Why did I suggest this!? You bit your lip before sighing heavily. No going back now, (Y/n). Come on, you're better than this. It's just a date. Even though you tried to calm yourself, the word date still rang around in your head. 

You pulled the dress off the hanger and laid it out on the bed. You grabbed the shoes that went with it and then the leggings that matched as well. After they were on, you rummaged through your jewelry, looking for the necklace and earrings that would fit perfectly with your outfit. You found them soon enough and quickly put them on. 

You jumped slightly as Connor knocked on your bedroom door. I seriously need to take a minute to breathe. You grumbled to yourself. You turned and called back to him. 

"I still need to do my makeup, Con!"

"Oh, well, I'll be in the living room! There's no hurry! Take your time!" He called through the door before you heard his footsteps fade away. You headed into the master bathroom and got to work on your hair and makeup. It took a little bit to finish both, but in the end, you were fairly pleased with the results. You were still a bit nervous about going out with Connor, but you forced your nerves aside and took another deep breath before heading out.

You walked down the hall, your hands folded together as you fiddled your thumbs nervously. You bit your lip again as you spotted Connor. He looked really nice. It was nothing fancy, but you couldn't help letting a small blush seep onto your cheeks. You spoke up, making your presence known.

"H-how do I look?" Connor looked over and his eyes widened as his mouth dropped open slightly as well.

"H-how do I look?" Connor looked over and his eyes widened as his mouth dropped open slightly as well

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(Forgot to add the hairstyle to the snapshot! XD Also, if yals have short hair, your choice

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(Forgot to add the hairstyle to the snapshot! XD Also, if yals have short hair, your choice. I'm so bad at finding good short hairstyles. I think you all can guess what length my hair is. Lel. Anyway! Moving on!)

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