Chapter 152

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(Listen to the video while reading if you can, please.)

??? POV

I sighed heavily. It was late. I just couldn't get to sleep. I was just up watching TV. It wasn't anything strange. Yet, staying up the night got me roped into something that was and always had been bigger than myself.

I'm an android. I didn't need to sleep, but it helped stress levels and stuff like that. I wasn't a very stressed person, but it was nice to just skip past the night and come back to a good morning. Tonight wasn't my night for that though. 

As I was watching TV, I heard the sound of something breaking coming from the apartment above mine. It sounded like a glass had been smashed or something. I thought I had just imagined it, or maybe I had gotten distracted and it had actually been something on the TV. 

I tried to settle back down, but my body refused to relax now. I was worried. Had I imagined it? I'm going crazy. I told myself. Then, I heard a shriek. I looked up. Now I knew I wasn't imagining it. I hurried out of my room and took the elevator to the next floor up.

I walked down the hall until I came to the room number that was above my apartment. I reached to knock on the door, but I bit my lip. Should I really be invading like this? I wondered. But what if she's in trouble or something? I could at least TRY to help. I knocked on the door and I waited. Soon enough, a young woman answered it. She had a big baggy green sweater and lose pajama shorts. 

"C-can..." She swallowed. "Can I help you?" I looked at her and I could tell that she'd been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy. She tried to hide it with her sweater. I sighed.

"Um...I-I just wanted to ask about the noise. Are you...alright?" I asked, unsure of how to handle this. She shook her head.

"N-no, I didn't hear anything. You must've been imagining it or something. It must've been the wind. Sorry." She began to close the door. I wanted to say something, but the door shut before I could think of anything. 

I went back down to my room and paced for a bit. I didn't know what to do. I had no idea who this girl was and I didn't have the slightest clue why she was upset. I wished she'd been honest with me. 

After a little while, I swore I could hear her crying. I felt bad. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know how. Then, I had an idea. 

I went back up after a little while, giving it a bit of time. I went back to her room and I knocked again. I waited for her to answer. Well, more like I hoped she would answer again. She opened the door and she looked surprised this time.

"Y-you...w-why are you back?" I shrugged, scratching the back of my neck.

"Listen, um, I guess I could be hearing things, but...I promise I'm not playing tricks on you. You're always welcome to come down and stay for an hour or two with me if you ever need a friend. We can talk about the noise if you want to, but...until then," I handed her my spare key and she looked stunned. "I guess it must've been the wind."

I turned and began to leave. I was happy that I'd given her an option if she ever wanted one. As I walked down the hall, I expected to hear her door closing, but I heard her voice instead. 

"W-wait!" I turned. She rubbed her arm shyly. "W-what's...what's your name? I-I would like to know who I'm visiting." I smiled at her. 

"Jaylin, but everybody just calls me Jay." She smiled a little. "May I get your name?" I asked, trying to break the ice with her. She rubbed her arm again, smiling this time.


"Well, I hope we can talk again soon," I said. I kept walking, but I suddenly felt a hand grab my wrist. I looked and saw that she'd come after me. She didn't meet my gaze, but her mood seemed to have changed again.

"Stay...p-please..." Her voice was barely above a whisper. I turned and I guided her back to her apartment. I shut the door behind us and I looked around. She had a pretty nice apartment. It was nicer than mine. The more expensive ones were closer to the top of the building. I could only afford so much. 

"Nice place," I told her.

"It''s being lent to me, actually." She said.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded, still not facing me. "Well, um, so...why did you want me to stay?" I asked. She turned around, facing me now. I saw the tears in her eyes. She rolled up one of her sleeves and I was shocked. "You're hurt!" Blood was coming off of her hand and glass shards were still stuck in it. I gently took her hand in mine and she flinched.

"I-I...I-I didn't mean too..." I took her to the bathroom.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up, okay?" I told her. She let me treat her hand. I thought she would cry or whimper or something as I pulled the glass out, but she didn't. It was like she hardly even felt it. I used some cotton balls with disinfectant to clean the cuts. "Do you have anything other than bandaids?" I asked.

"Lila left the first aid kit here. There are bandages in that. It's back a bit farther under the sink." I nodded and fished for it until I eventually found it. I took out the bandages and I cut it because I didn't need the entire roll. I wrapped her hand and I saw that she was just staring at her hand as I worked. Once I was finished I let go and you hand dropped to her side.

"Better?" I asked. She nodded silently. We walked out and I saw what had caused the bleeding. There was a broken bottle of alcohol on the floor in the kitchen. I cleaned it up for her as she just stood there, watching. She mainly kept her gaze on the floor, but she glanced up at me every once in a while. I sighed once I finished. I turned to her and took her hand again. She looked into my eyes and I pulled her sweater down a bit so I could see her clearly. I brushed her hair out of her face and I smiled softly at her. "Do you want to talk to me now?" I asked. She was silent for a moment, but she closed her eyes, swallowing hard again as if it was a struggle just to say her answer.


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