Chapter 71

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Third Person POV

It was 4 days after the funeral. Things had been quiet, aside from two new android attack reports. Connor came to work, but he didn't talk much anymore. What nobody knew was that at home he hardly did anything besides mourn. Gavin had gone back to his normal self on the outside, but on the inside, he still missed (Y/n) just as much as anyone else that knew her well. Hank was glad that he still had Connor, but things were very different and he still had to struggle with his own grief. Still, things were beginning to go back to normal, or at least as normal as they could get from that point on.

It was early and almost nobody was at the station yet. Only a select few arrived so early, Captian Fowler being one of them. He was in his office and there were a few front desk attendants there, but the was it. Soon, a man walked it. One of the female android desk attendants looked up.

"Um, hello, Sir. Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Captian Fowler. Has he arrived yet?" She nodded.

"Um, yes. He is. His office is straight back. You can't miss it." She explained and let him through. He nodded to her in reply.

"Thank you, Miss." He said before walking through the gates and back to the office. He entered and Fowler looked up. He was surprised by this person, or should I say android.

"Can I help you?" Fowler asked, having a hunch where this was going to go. The android nodded.

"Yes. I have been sent here to join a team working on some cases." Fowler paused for a moment. 

"I think I might know who you're looking for."

Gavin's POV

I arrived at work and I sat down in my desk, putting my feet up without a care. I glanced over at the picture of (Y/n) and I on my desk. We'd taken that shortly before all of Shane's shit happened. I missed that smile. She was the greatest friend I'd ever had.

Then, Fowler called for me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Reed! My office! Now, if you don't mind." He said. I groaned but got up. What could he possibly want? I walked into his office and I was stunned by what I saw. It was...another Connor model. Or at least it looked like one, only it was different. He was a bit taller than Connor, wore a different outfit than the Connor previously had, and had blue eyes. I looked at his model number. RK...900? 

"Um, what's going on?" I asked.

"Gavin, the Cyberlife department had been working on this model before the rights were passed. They stopped because they saw it unfit to finish it, but now that we've...unfortunately lost an office because of anti-android crimes, they continued designing and now we have another cop working with us. This is Collin. He's an RK900, predecessor to Connor, and your new partner." I looked at him, shocked.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"You heard me, Reed."

"No, no, no! I work alone! Can't he join Connor and Hank?" I said. 

"He is, along with you. We're assigning you two as the second team to handle the anti-android crimes. They're piling up and it's too much for two cops. You're going to be working as two pairs of two from now on." 

"No way! I don't work with Hank, I don't work with Connor, and I do not do partners!"

"Gavin, I'm not asking! I have given you an assignment, you're going to do it, or you can leave here just like everybody else that refuses! Your choice!" He said. I glared at him and left the office. I went to my desk. I saw Hank and Connor come in. Connor still looked distracted and gloomy. I knew (Y/n)'s death had hit him hard, but he wasn't improving at all. I sighed. Well, this is gonna make it worse. Better tell them. I got up and went over to the two.

"Hey," They both looked at me.

"What's got you in a twist, Reed?" Hank asked, clearly noticing the less than pleased attitude I had.

"You two are not gonna believe this."

"What is it?" Connor asked, now looking more interested than sad.

"This morning, a new android came in. Says his name is Collin. Turns out, he like an upgraded version of you, Connor. His model is an RK900. And to top it off, I now have a partner and we're all working together on the android cases!" I said.


"What?" They both exclaimed. "Another version of me?" Connor asked. I nodded over my shoulder to Collin who was just exiting the office.

"Well all be damned. There's two of them."

"Lieutenant!" Connor exclaimed.

"Even you have to admit that one RK-unit is enough!" Hank said. Connor opened his mouth to say something but had nothing to come back with. 

"So what now?" I asked.

"I think you have a new partner, Gavin." 

"No way! I'm not doing this!"

"That's what I said too." He replied.

"He has a point." Connor agreed. I growled angrily.

"Great," I grumbled.

"Might as well get used to it. I have a feeling that he's going home with you, Gavin."

"That android is not stepping foot in my house!" I snapped and turned away, going back to my desk. Of course, Collin came over to me.

"Detective." He greeted. He seemed to act like Connor used to before he became deviant. It was weird. 

"What?" I asked.

"I see you're not pleased with your assignment, but I must remind you that there aren't any better options than to work with me. I came to see if you would settle for an agreement to be mutual with each other if you wish for nothing more." I glared at him.

"Mutual? Listen, tin can, if you want to be mutual with me, stay the fuck outta my way and do what I say! You're my partner now, so you better get used to it and fast. Cause any problems and we'll see what happens!" I growled at him.

"I see." I looked at him. 

"That all you got?"

"No, but I'm sure saying anything else I wish to say would be offensive and that is not the first impression I'd like to portray, unlike you." I was stunned. He actually had a bit of bite to him. "I'm going to go familiarize myself with our two other partners on the case. Good day, Detective Reed." He said and left to go talk to Connor and Hank. I was confused by the sass he had toward me. Connor never did that. Great. An android with attitude. I fuckin' hate partners, now I gotta deal with this shit? Just shoot me. I thought, annoyed, before taking another sip of my coffee. I glanced over at the three of them. Connor was talking to him and Hank was sitting down, listening. I rolled my eyes. Fucking androids.

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