Chapter 31

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About halfway there, you felt it was safe to walk the rest of the way. You took the chance to finally fully get your breath back. Sadly, the moment of relief didn't last long. You felt dizzy all of a sudden. You also felt a sudden powerful throbbing in your side. You looked down and you gasped in horror. You were hit. F-fuck. I gotta get there, now. You kept going, trying to hurry as best you could. You were getting weaker, but luckily the wound must've not been too bad because it didn't seem like you were losing too much blood all that fast.

In your fight to survive, you managed to make it to Gavin's house. You pounded on the door. you needed help and you needed it now. There was no answer. Damn it, Gavin! Why do you have to be a heavy sleeper!? You pounded on the door again, leaning against it even more.

"Gavin! Get your ass out here, you deaf mother fucker!" You yelled, honestly not caring if you also woke up some of his neighbors. I'm bleeding, they can deal with it. You switched to leaning on the doorframe as you heard the locks click. The door opened and you saw a grumpy Gavin there to answer it.

"What the hell, (Y/n)-" He cut off as he noticed your shirt was red. "THE FUCK!?" He caught you as you stumbled into the house, nearly falling over.

"Care to help me or continue holding me?" You retorted through clenched teeth as the pain had increased a ton by now. He came to his senses and helped you to the couch. He laid you down and you tried to keep your breath as steady as you could while applying pressure to your wound. 

"H-hang on! I swear I got a first aid kit in my car! I'll be right back, okay?"

"Like I can really go anywhere at this point." You muttered back. He hurried out to his car and came back in a moment later. He opened it up and set out some stuff on the end table. 

"Okay. Uh...fuck, I can't treat a bullet wound!" He said. 

"You better try or I'm leaving here in an ambulance! I'd rather not because I'm trying to keep a low profile now!" You spat back.

"Don't pressure me, damn it!" Gavin snapped.

"Jee, sorry. I'm only bleeding out of my side." You said sarcastically. 

"Well, what do you know about medical shit!?"

"Get some tweezers and get the bullet out of the wound, dumbass!" You shouted. You clenched your teeth afterword, a sharp sting making you bite your tongue for the moment. He hurried to the bathroom and came back moments later. 

"What now?" He asked.

"You got any beer?" You asked.

"Very funny!" He snapped.

"I'm serious! Alcohol around the wound helps with the pain!"

"How do you know this shit!?"

"It's called studying, nitwit." You said, calming down a bit. He went to the kitchen and got a bottle. 

"Do I just pour it?"

"Get something to dab or rub it on with." You replied, your voice becoming a bit more breathy. You were losing your energy now. He hurried to the bathroom again and came back with a washrag. He poured the alcohol onto it and placed the rag on your wound. "AGH! Gently, Gav!"

"Sorry, I'm a little stressed!"

"You aren't the one that got shot." You replied. He continued to dab it on until he thought it was good. You were back to deep breaths. You closed your eyes, trying to save your strength.

"What now?"

"Get the bullet out of the wound." You instructed.


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