Chapter 92

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Gavin's POV

I wouldn't admit it and I wouldn't let it show around the others, but I was so worried about Collin. I couldn't sleep. I knew I needed to get some rest, but with Collin being worked on...I just couldn't. God...even saying he's being 'worked on' sounds weird. I thought about it. It was then the fact that Collin was an android hit me full force again. I wasn't just in love with a guy, I was in love with a male android. I really was a hypocrite. 

I claimed to hate androids and I still wasn't exactly fond of them, but Collin...he was different. He didn't act like a normal android. He was stronger, smoother, and more resilient. There was something incredibly attractive about it. Just the fact that he stood up to me in such a different way than the others did. He didn't shout unless he was really pissed like Hank and (Y/n) did. He didn't bend and look sorry and guilty like Connor had. Connor had a bit more of a spine now, but he as still so caring and he wasn't afraid to show it. Collin never showed anything. He acted like he didn't care, but I was figuring him out. I knew things about him now. 

There wasn't much to tell for his story, but his personality was poking through a bit more in front of me. I knew more about him, but there was still so much I wanted to find out. Now...I was afraid I wouldn't get that chance. I had never felt like this for somebody before. I didn't want to have this ripped away from me. I paused as that realization hit me. Is this how Connor feels? This knawing and nagging feeling? This...need... 

I really hadn't understood it before. The way Connor looked at her. It had honestly pissed me off before. I had wanted to protect (Y/n) from getting hurt again, but I had also seen how she had changed since he came. How she seemed...happier. Jesus, what is this? Deja vu? It did feel like history was repeating itself. First (Y/n) and now me? God, I'm screwed if people find out about this. 

I sighed heavily. I still couldn't sleep. It was late and I assumed Kamski wasn't going to be working on Collin so late. I got up and walked out. I still only had a mass of bandages around my shoulder and upper torso but it was honestly pretty warm in Kamski's place. I figured that was probably because he kept his pool heated. I mean, the guy could easily afford it so I guess it was one of those 'why the hell not?' deals. I headed to where Collin was and of course I was wrong about Kamski not being up. I bumped into him along my way to the room.

"Well, hello, Detective. Isn't this a surprise."

"What? I don't see anything so special about this." I said.

"Well, surprise and special are two different things. But anyway, I see you're on your way to visit the patient, correct?" He asked.

"Yeah, is there an issue with that?" I asked a bit aggressively. 

"No. I would never keep someone from their significant other." I felt my heart skip a beat.

"What?! How the fuck did you-!? I-I mean since when did that idea come across?" He grinned.

"You truly are bad at hiding your emotions, Detective Reed." I glared at him.

"Fuck off. I don't need you giving me cryptic advice shit." I growled.

"You know, I wouldn't hold back your emotions from him." I paused as I began to walk past him.


"If you hold back, your connection might not be a strong as you would like. I'm just saying, wouldn't want any regrets, would you?" With that, he left. I was stunned and confused by this. I shook it off and kept going. 

"Prick," I muttered.

I made it to Collin's room and I hurried over to him. He looked fine, but the monitors all around said otherwise. I forced myself to ignore them. I knelt there beside him. I couldn't suppress my anxiousness and my worry. I looked at his face. He looked peaceful. It looked like he was asleep, which honestly, that's probably what it seemed like to him. I took his hand.

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