Chapter 160

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Connor's POV

Late that night, I got up and started getting ready to go. I was going to find her and I was going to find her tonight. I had to find her. 

I got dressed and I made sure I had everything I needed. I had already made sure that who I needed to talk to was going to be there. Only one person could help me find her now. I was going to the Cyberlife Tower again. 

I was going there because I needed to speak to Henry. If he was in charge, he'd have all the androids in the area in the system there. With the laws in place, it worked kind of like how humans had registered homes. I really hoped that it was going to work.

Once I was ready to go, I headed for the front door. I felt nervous, but I also felt determined and hopeful. It felt as if it was time to test if I still had luck on my side. I really hoped it was still there.

As I opened the door, I heard a small mew and I felt something pawing at my pant leg. I looked down and spotted Zayree there. The little blind kitten mewled again and rubbed up against me. I smiled softly and picked him up. He was special, I could tell. I held him, petting the little guy before gently setting him on the couch.

"You should be asleep, silly kitty," I told him. He nuzzled my hand, purring softly. "I'll be back. I promise. Get some rest okay?" He gave my hand a few little licks before hopping off the couch and heading to the bedroom where the rest of his family was curled up on the bed, sleeping together like they did every night. 

I saw his mother meet him in the hallway before they went back into the bedroom together. It both warmed my heart and made that longing feeling come back. It was a lovely sight to see a family like that, happy together with love to share and spare. I wanted that again. That was what made my heart sink as well.

I left the house, going back to my mission. If I found (Y/n), I could have that again. I knew I had family, but (Y/n) was everything to me. I wasn't giving up without a fight. I'm coming. 

I got into the car and started the drive to Cyberlife. It felt weird going back there again. I didn't want to go back, but what choice did I have? I didn't have a choice if I wanted to find (Y/n).

I soon arrived at the bridge. There wasn't security like there was the last time I'd come. I saw the tower looming in the distance. It still felt threatening to me. It was so strange to think of it as a friendly place now. After everything that had happened, I didn't think it would ever become something that was welcoming to me. 

I found a place to park the car before getting out and standing before the building. I breathed in and out, bracing myself to go inside. It's all or nothing. I walked in. I was surprised to see that it wasn't too terribly active. Some changes had been made to fit a more welcoming instead of manufacturing and selling type of feel. It did help with going back.

I knew where I was going. I knew where he would be. I took the elevator to the top of the tower. It was a long ride up, but it was worth it. I fiddled with my coin as I rode up. I laughed lightly to myself through my nose. It had been a while since I'd practiced my tricks. It calmed me. 

Soon, the elevator stopped and I slipped the coin into my pocket before getting off. I walked out and down the hallway. I saw a man up ahead leaning over a pannel. There was a huge screen in front of him and he seemed to be thinking about something. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned slightly. "Mr. Nickle?" I asked.

"Yes. That's me." He faced me and I was able to get a better look at him. He had red-ish brown hair and brown-ish golden eyes. "Ah. I was expecting to be seeing you soon, Connor." He seemed friendly enough.

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