Chapter 15

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You arrived home and sighed. You didn't know what to do or what to think. Why is this getting to me so much? You could hardly think straight. You thought about the two girls. They were unlike anything you'd ever seen. Deviants falling in love? Chalk that onto the list of weird things to see in this generation. How could they love? They're literally just wires and plastic! Everything was being flipped on its head and you had no answers for any of it.

You sighed as you went to get some sleep before the morning shift tomorrow. You laid down after changing and tried to sleep, but it wouldn't come. You groaned and tossed off the bed sheets. You got up and went to watch some TV. 

As you watched, it soon turned into background noise. You sat there, hugging your knees, deep in thought. What is even happening? I don't know how any of this even started. Your mind wandered back to that first android. How...alive it had acted. If it hadn't been damaged, you could've been fooled.

"Guess that's the point. They look human, sound human, and can even act human, is that possible? I...I don't understand this." You mumbled to yourself. You soon began to feel tired. You laid down and sighed as your eyes drooped. Maybe that's enough chaos for one day. You concluded. You closed your eyes and soon drifted off.

You were walking around in the park. It was nice out for once and the sun was shining. You wandered aimlessly, not really caring where your feet took you. You made it to a small hidden meadow with a pond off to the side of the park. You sat down in a shaded patch of grass as stared at the glimmering water. You remembered this. You remembered it all too well. You waited for him to come, knowing he would. 

Soon, footsteps were behind you. You sighed. You forced yourself to smile before speaking up.

"Hey, Shane. Guess you followed me out here, huh?" He didn't answer. Instead, more footsteps sounded and then somebody sat down next to you, but it wasn't Shane. You were shocked.

"C...Connor? How did you-? Why are you here?" You asked.

"Because you should've had somebody better." Your eyes widened in shock. You stood up, backing away because of how scared you were.

"N-no...I'm not doing this shit again!" He stood up too. He looked so alive, but you didn't believe it. You knew it wasn't real. He's not even fucking REAL! 

"You can't stop yourself, (Y/n)." He told you.

"You aren't even the real Connor! What the hell do you know!?" You shouted.

"I should actually know more than he does." He pointed out.

"Oh, now you try to logic me out! Fuck off!" You snapped.


"NO! I'm not listening to you! You aren't Connor and the real plastic prick doesn't even know me!"

"He's different. You can see it."

"You know what? No, I can't. He's advanced, that's what I see. He's just a piece of hardware trying to accomplish a damn mission! I don't know why I started being nice to him. It's not like he can care about it!" You growled.

"You're only destroying yourself. You have no idea the effect you could have on him." Fake Connor told you.

"And yet he's doing this crazy shit to me!" You shouted again. "Just get out of my head!" 

"Only you can control that, you know." You froze. 

"But if..."

"Exactly. You can't even get him out of your own head."  He told you. You shook your head, trying to ignore him.

"Stop it! Get away from me!" You snarled.

"Fine, but there's one thing you need to know."

"What?" You grumbled.

"Your choices will change everything." He said, his voice low and serious. You'd only heard it that way one other time. You felt chills go down your spine.

"What do you mean? Why?" You asked.

"You have to find that out for yourself." He said before beginning to leave.

"What!? No! Wait! What does that even mean!?" You shouted, but he was gone and you were suddenly all alone. The park quickly turned dark. Leaves fell as trees became bare and blackened and the water now looked like tar. A strong breeze came, causing you to start shivering while trying to maintain your own balance. You looked around through squinted eyes. "CONNOR!!" You called, wanting him to return so you wouldn't be alone, but the only response you got was your own echo. It was only you and the sound of the wind for a moment until you felt strong hands around your throat. You tried to scream, but they were crushing your windpipe.

"Should've stayed away, (Y/n)." You knew that voice.

"LET GO OF ME, SHANE! YOU BASTARD!!" You shouted, tears or anger, sadness, and pain in your eyes.

"I'll let you go...and leave you alone to die that way." He hissed darkly. You opened your eyes and met him face to face. Everything you had known of him was gone, all replaced by this monster before you.

"Why are you doing this to-" He cut off your shout, choking you once again.

"Because...why do you deserve joy any more than I do? Don't worry, in a way...we're still rotting together." He hissed with a grin before dropping you. You screamed as you fell through the ground. You kept falling until you felt something stab you straight through your body. You tried to scream again, but your mouth filled with blood. It all hurt so much. You couldn't take it anymore.

"NO!!" You finally were able to shout as you woke up in a cold sweat, shaking like a leaf on a windy fall day. You hugged yourself, tears in your eyes. It was all too much for you. Why did it have to happen to me? I'm not strong enough for any of this shit. 

You stayed there, whimpering to yourself for about 20 minutes. You hadn't been asleep for long, but it had been enough time for something to happen. Just enough time for something to change.

You hugged your knees, scared and wishing things were different. The only sound breaking the silence was your soft cries. It tore at you, everything that had happened. You wanted to forget, but it was something that would forever be impossible. Now, you had a new nightmare haunting you. What you hadn't known at the time, was that your nightmare was far from what you had previously thought.

Then, something brought you back to reality. That something that was perfectly timed. It seemed against most odds that it had to happen this way, but it did. Your doorbell had rung only once, but it had been enough to bring you back. You got up, trying to hide that you had been crying as much as you could. You walked to the door and opened it without thinking to see who it was. If you had, maybe you wouldn't have opened the door that night. Maybe it would've changed everything. But that one moment proved that your dream Connor was right. Your choices did matter, more than you knew. More than you ever thought they would.

As the door opened, you felt your heart stop. Only one person could do that to you now. It just had to be him.

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