Chapter 45

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Connor's POV

Gavin turned as we both heard her voice. He frowned. His voice grew hushed.

"You should be in bed resting." He said.

"Gavin, I'm okay. Really." (Y/n) assured him.

"(Y/n)?" I called.

"Who was that?" 

"Nothing! Just go back to bed." Gavin said.

"Gav, who's there?" I sighed and pushed past Gavin. He stumbled, but I made sure he didn't fall over. (Y/n)'s eyes widened when she saw me. 

"Connor?" She asked. "You're...alive?" I nodded. 

"Of course I'm alive," I told her. I saw that her torso was wrapped in bandages and her shirt had been ripped to look like a crop top. "You're hurt," I said, reaching out to her. She recoiled from me. I flinched. I remember who had attacked her. "(Y/n), I promise it's me. It's the real me." I told her. She backed away.

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked. I thought about it.

"Because I know you." She paused. "I know you love art. I know you used to sing. I know you can dance. I know you still like mac and cheese." I said.

"Any RK800 could know that." She said.

"I know what happened with you and Shane." She froze. Gavin stood in front of her.

"Don't you dare bring that up." He growled. I knew (Y/n) was listening so I kept going.

"You two had been dating for years. He finally asked you to marry him and you were so excited about it. But, when you came home early from work, you saw him with the android you owned. He left you after you'd caught him with the android. That's why you hate androids." She stood there, stunned. "After Shane left, you sold the android and bought all of your pets. You tried to fill the space he left behind, but nothing could replace him." She walked past Gavin and stood in front of me. 

"Shane was too ashamed of himself to face me. He ran away and left me here instead of coming after me. When he finally showed his face a month later he said straight up he was leaving me. After that, he grabbed his things, moved to New York, and we never spoke again. He was a coward and he only cared what pleasures he got out of me. He took me in because he liked what he got. It's why he ran as soon as he found something better and got caught in the act. I should've known I wasn't enough for him. After all, why would any human be better than an android? A perfect being who can do whatever you want them to without fail." She said. I frowned, now understanding exactly why she didn't like androids. I still wanted to reach out to her.

"Personally, I don't think anybody could replace you," I told her. 

"Oh really? And why is that?" She asked.

"Because you're unique," I replied. "You're different and there's nobody else like you."

"Yeah. I've heard that before." She muttered, the sadness returning to her gaze as she looked away with her arms crossed.

"It's different when I say it."

"How?" She asked.

"Because I would never lie to you," I explained. 

"Connor, why are you here?" She asked. "I'm not worth your time. Shouldn't you be with Hank? That's where you'll be staying now, right?" I frowned. 


"Just leave. I'm fine and my health is none of your concern." 

"(Y/n), please wait." She sighed.

"What?" I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"It is my concern. You're my concern. I care about you. I didn't realize what it was before, but now I understand." I told her. She tensed up when I grabbed her, but she stayed in my arms.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked. I pulled back a little. I smiled gently at her.

"What I'm saying is I..." I paused for a moment, unsure if I should really tell her with how she'd been reacting so far. No. I have to. "I love you." Her eyes widened. She pulled away.

"Impossible. How can you love me?" She asked.

"I couldn't to a full extent before, but now I can." Gavin scoffed. I ignored him. "Please, (Y/n). You have to believe me."

"If you actually love me, then prove it." She said. I was a little surprised.

"What?" I asked.

"Prove it. What could you possibly do to show me that you-" I went for it, cutting her off. It was now or never.

Your POV

He kissed you. You were so stunned that you didn't move. All of your old emotions came flooding back. You remembered how Shane used to kiss and hold you. You remembered everything he did for you. It was too much for you to handle. You wanted to kiss back and have those feelings again, but you were too afraid of being broken all over again. You pulled away and Connor looked surprised and saddened.

"Don't do that." You muttered. He frowned. You were trying not to let it show how much it hurt. You both said nothing for a long time.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry." You looked up at him again. "I want to be with you, but I don't want to hurt you. If that means I can't see you, then I'll leave. I just want you to be happy again." You frowned. You did care about Connor. You wanted him to stay, but you weren't ready to handle a relationship again. He began to leave, but you broke.

"Wait." He stopped, turning around. "I...I never said you had to go." You told him quietly. His eyes brightened up a bit. 

"So...I can stay with you?" He asked. You nodded.

"You can stay, but...we're just friends." You told him. He nodded.

"I can agree to that." He replied.

"Whoa, what the hell just happened?" Gavin asked. You both turned, remembering he was there. You sighed. 

"Connor, we need a minute." He nodded and waited outside for you on the deck.

"(Y/n) you can't just go with him! He's an android! How can it be real!?"


"No! This isn't right! You're just going to get hurt again! When he has nothing else to find out about you he'll get bored and leave! You'll be alone again and I don't want to see you do something you'll regret!" 

"Regret? Gavin, I already want to die, but I'm staying because I don't know what would happen if I did! I'm scared of it! And there's more to him than what you think!" You said.

"Like what?"

"He's alive, Gavin!" You yelled. He stopped. You sighed. "It's been so long since somebody has wanted to take care of me. It's been so long since I've had somebody to be there with me. Connor is an android and I'm nowhere near ready to establish any feelings for him, but he is my partner and he is my friend." You said.

"Yet I'm the one who saved your life." He muttered. 

"And I'm grateful for that. Gavin, you're one of my closest friends. I don't care how other people see you, I know the truth. Nobody will ever replace you, but you know nothing is going to happen between us. I know why you still cling to me like that. Don't think I've forgotten everything you've told me." You said. He looked away. "Gavin, you'll always be special to me. Don't forget that." He smiled a little and nodded. He kissed your cheek.

"Just promise me you'll be careful. I still do care about you more than anybody else." He told you. You smiled and nodded.

"I will, Gav." You promised. You got dressed in your jacket and boots and you walked outside. Connor took you home and you held his hand along the way. You glanced over at him. I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready for anything serious, but I do want you here. You thought. You leaned against him a bit more. Just...please don't leave me on my own again.

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