Chapter 77

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Gavin's POV


I was sittin' at my place with Collin. He was holding Cheezy in his lap and petting him silently. I swear the cat had turned into a motorboat with all that purring. I huffed through my nose slightly. Fuzzy little traitor. I grumbled to myself. I kept flipping through the stations, but I also kept glancing over at Collin. He had begun to take on my snippy comments at times. This android...was different. I couldn't place it exactly, but something was just...weird about him. 

I pushed my thoughts aside and flipped to a show I liked. I grinned a little in satisfaction that I had found one of my favorite shows after about 40 channels and tossed the remote onto the couch beside me.

I watched it for a while in peace. It was silent besides the sounds of the show and Collin was focused on the cat. I was at least glad that he wasn't asking me stupid questions all the time like Connor had with Hank. They were off today too. I wasn't off but I was on house call. So, luckily I didn't have to go in unless something happened. 

Suddenly, Collin spoke up, breaking the silence and peace. I almost instantly turned to an angry look as he spoke up. I was already so sick of this android. Well, at least I thought the feeling was being sick of him, but...if only I had known how wrong I was.


"Uhg, what now?" I asked.

"There has been another report. New Jericho was attacked. Nine androids were killed and three were damaged." He said. I was surprised.

"New Jericho was attacked!? Jesus, then come on! Who called it in?" I asked, standing up and quickly turning off the TV.

"Connor did. He was a part of the attack." Collin said. I couldn't believe him. He showed literally no emotion. It was like he didn't even care! I glared at him. I'm finding out why tonight, you plastic prick. I thought, but there was no time to question him now. I grabbed my coat and told him to get his ass in the car. He followed my order and we quickly headed to New Jericho. 

Once we got there, I saw three other cop cars were there. I got out first and Collin calmly followed after me. I got inside and I was shocked. There was blue blood all over the floor and there were two human bodies in the mix as well. It all was so much. Eleven bodies just sprawled out everywhere and the floor was just covered in all of their blood. I felt like I was going to be sick as the memories came back. No... NO! GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I shut my eyes tight, trying to hold back the tears. 

"Detective?" I jumped as I heard Collin's voice behind me. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised, but he still held that same neutral expression. I glared at him.

"Get a damn bell or something! Asshole..." I muttered, not wanting him to see how shaken up I actually was. He looked around and I found Markus, Connor, and Hank. They were all together and talking over what happened. I joined in. "So what the fuck went down here?" I asked.

"We were attacked by a group of humans with high-powered guns. Connor saved us when he took down their shotgun carrier." Markus explained. I nodded.

"So, we got two bad guys and the rest are victims?" I asked. 

"Yes. We've found all of the androids to be unrecoverable." Connor said. I looked at him. His eyes looked dim and he looked discouraged. I could understand honestly. All of this really was feeling like a lost cause. 

"Well, Collin is gathering intel, so we'll see what we can find," I said. "I just hope with don't come out with fuckin' nothing again." 

"Yeah, so do I." Hank agreed.

"Thank you all for coming down to help us," Markus said.

"We're cops, it's what we do," Hank replied. I looked back at Collin. He was kneeling down beside one of the bodies. I rolled my eyes at him, even though he hadn't noticed, and turned back to the others. I'm going to find out why he acts like that. That's no deviant, just a cocky piece of plastic. I'm gonna find out what orders he's under.

??? POV

"You said a few days! It's been three WEEKS! Now look what happened! This is falling apart and neither of them are going to last much longer! You need to finish this before it's too late!" I shouted.

"It is not that simple! The process is complex and I am not some mad scientist like they were! This takes time to perfect! If you know so much about it, you do it! See how far you get without me!"

"Time is something we don't have anymore," I said. "People died today. If things hadn't gone so wrong, we would be perfectly fine!" I growled.

"I understand your frustration, but you must understand mine as well. The process is long and rather tedious. I will be finished soon though. I'm on the final steps." 

"What!? You are!?" I exclaimed, stunned that he actually did it. It had taken so long and we'd run into so many dead ends. Not to mention it was hard protecting this from the world.

"Yes. Everything will work out soon enough. If we're lucky, the time we have hasn't run out yet." He told me.

"I just hope you're right. What if..."

"Not possible. I programmed everything to work perfectly. It will be fine." 

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. 

"I am. It will be completely fine. If anything goes wrong, I will be able to fix things again."

"If it happened again, I don't know how long any of us would last." I sighed. He nodded.

"I'm sure that you'd all be fine. You do not give in too easily. This will all be over soon." I nodded, looking at the work we had done. It was almost time. 

"It will be over and things will be back to how they used to be. You're right." I agreed.

"Of course I am. I don't do these things to be wrong. I told you that it would be done when you came to my door asking for your 'favor'." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "It will be soon. You should leave. Can't let the secret get out now, can you?"

"Do you think they'd actually know? I mean, he doesn't." I asked.

"He has never met who you used to be. I'm sure things would be different if you were seen this time." He replied. I nodded.

"Yeah, probably. Well, just make sure this doesn't short out or something." I said.

"Everything is completely stable, now go. I'm sure you've been missed back with the others." He said. I nodded, knowing he was right.

"I'll see you again soon, then," I told him.

"Until the time comes." He agreed. With that, I grabbed my things and left. I knew I'd have some explaining when I got back. I sighed heavily. I was both relieved and scared. What was going to happen once this was out? That much, I couldn't truly be sure of. It was out of my control now.

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