Chapter 179

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Connor's POV

I had tracked Cass and Jay to the graveyard. This was the same place where (Y/n) had been buried. Well, at least where all of us thought she had been. I shuddered as I remembered that day. I forced myself to push it aside. I needed to get to them. Though, I had no idea where they would be here. I didn't understand why they would even come here in the first place.

That didn't matter as I pushed on. I kept looking for Cass and Jay. They had to be here somewhere. 

As I walked, I remembered how everything had been the last time I'd come here. It had been a crystal clear night. I remembered the tears I'd cried on these grounds. All the words I'd said in my broken state seemed like nothing now. I thought I wouldn't have to come back here after that night. Turns out I'd been wrong again.

It was strange to think that the coffin had been empty that day. It gave me very mixed feelings. I was glad that (Y/n) had been 'rescued', all just felt like a lie. It felt empty. It had no meaning to it anymore, yet it still had so much meaning.

One thing became clear to me, I did NOT like this place. The atmosphere around me made it even worse. I could almost feel my skin crawling and my blood running cold. For a summer night, it was freezing. There was a lot of fog and mist and hardly any stars could be seen overhead. I hated it, but I pushed on.

Soon, I made it to a small alter. It was a place where people could go to pray for their lost loved ones. I hesitated, afraid of what I could potentially find inside. I forced myself to go inside, but I didn't see anything at first. The silence was uncomfortable. 

As I looked around, I heard a very quiet shuffle behind me. I quickly turned around, throwing a punch. Turns out, I was right to do so. A woman I didn't know was there and she had a shovel as her weapon. I quickly drew my gun, but she charged me, tackling me as we tumbled out of the alter.

I threw her off as we hit the ground. She quickly ran to get me before I could aim my gun at her, but she wasn't faster than me. I was up and armed before she had even made it halfway to me. She stopped, shovel still raised and ready to swing.

"Where are they!?" I demanded. She glared at me.

"I don't have to tell you anything, traitor!" She growled. I scanned her.

ID: Jezebeth Jules - WARNING! Threat level: 78%

"You're Shane's sister, aren't you?" 

"What gave you the hint?" She retorted.

"Where are they? I won't ask again." He just screamed and swung her shovel at me. I tried to dodge, but she hit my hand and the gun was sent flying. This girl had a better aim than I thought.

She swung at me again and I was able to duck in time. I tried to get a handle on the shovel, but it wasn't working out in my favor so far. I cried out as she slammed it into my body, knocking me over. She pointed the end of it at me with the dirt-covered steel dangerously close to my throat. I swallowed hard, but I kept my nerve.

"You freaks were supposed to suffer! I was supposed to watch you fall apart just like how I did when you murdered my brother! I was supposed to have the last laugh!" She yelled. "Guess I'll just have to kill you all INSTEAD!" I rolled out of the way as she pulled back to stab me. She screamed in frustration and kept attacking me. She was strong!

"We never wanted to kill your brother!" I tried to reason with her. "He attacked us! It was inevitable! He wouldn't have stopped until he won!" I said.

"And he was right!" She shouted, swinging at me again and cutting my arm. "You're the monsters! You're the ones who started all this! All of this blood was spilled because you couldn't learn your places! It was your fault! It will always be YOUR FAULT!" I narrowly dodged her attack as she swung the shovel down to smash my head in.

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