Chapter 17

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You opened the door and who else would be standing there but Connor himself. You were in no state to see him. He seemed to notice that there was something wrong. You saw his LED spin yellow for a moment before going back to blue.

"Hello again, (Y/n). I'm sorry if this is a bad time." He began.

"Whatever. Do you need something?" You asked.

"Not from you, no. I came because...I wanted to." You raised an eyebrow at him. You stepped aside, showing him that he could come in. He came inside and the cats instantly came over to greet him. He picked up Resinilly and she purred happily and Jackson rubbed up against his legs.

"You just come here to steal my cats, or...?" You said. He looked up at you before setting Resinilly down.


"I was joking, Connor. It's fine. They like new people because I'm all they ever see." Connor looked at you and he seemed to question that statement, but he said nothing about it.

"I'm sorry if I woke you."

"No, I was..." You paused, remembering your horrible nightmare. "...a-already up." 

"You were? Shouldn't you be getting rest? You're going to need it. Humans need at least eight hours of sleep." Connor told you.

"Yeah, well, that never happens with me anyway." You replied.

"How come?" Connor asked. You froze. You turned around so he couldn't see your face.

"It's part of my genetics. We' sleepers." You lied.

"(Y/n), I know you're lying." Connor said. You tensed up again.

"I'm not lying." You said.

"Yes, you are. It's a part of my program. I can tell when people or androids lie."

"Then just leave it be. It's nothing important or that you should concern yourself with." You replied. Connor said nothing more about it.

"Why were you up?" He asked. Your breath hitched. He'd know if you were lying. What could you do?

"I-I...I..." You had no idea what to say. Suddenly, a hand was on your shoulder, turning you around. You came face to face with Connor's chocolate brown eyes.

"(Y/n), are you alright? Your tense and...I've come to notice it's mostly around me you act so strange. Is there any particular reason for this? Maybe I could try to fix it." He said with a small smile. You stared at him, the tears starting to come back.

"W-why?" His face fell in confusion.

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why are you so...n-nice to me. I've made it clear I hate androids and that I don't like you, so why? Why did you come here? Why are you still trying to get me to smile?" He looked surprised. 

"Well...I...I guess for some reason, I want to see you happy. I don't know why. I've been trying to explain it to myself, but you're a good person deserve to be happy. You weren't always like this. I know that. But...what I don't know is why you're wearing a wedding ring and hiding it from everyone." Your heart stopped.

"You saw my ring?" You asked.

"Yes. When you were drunk, I-"

"Never tell anybody that I have a ring or I swear I will do everything in power to make sure you never exist again." You growled. He looked stunned. He nodded quickly. You turned away from him and went to the kitchen. You grabbed another drink and popped off the cap. You were too pissed to care about anything, let alone Connor's stupidity and no regard for privacy. You just wanted your boiling blood to cool down, but that was going to take time and silence. Even Connor seemed to understand that much.

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now