Chapter 112

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Collin's POV

I fed the cats as the time to call in for the night came closer. It was getting late and I wanted some time to myself. I didn't like having to stay here at night, but the hospital didn't give me a choice. Gavin wasn't in critical condition, so they only let me visit him during the day. I was still afraid that they were wrong. I had never been afraid before. All of these emotions were new. 

When I had finally broken my programming in that slave pit, I had only one goal. I had wanted to protect Gavin to tell him just how sorry I was. Now, I carried more guilt than anything else. I should've been the one to go back and help him. I could've gotten him out faster. He wouldn't have gotten hurt. Still, turning back time was never one of my abilities. It was too late to change the events that had already occurred. 

I tried to focus on something more on the positive side. Satin was doing well and Cheezy loved having her around. The two were a very cute pair and it was exceedingly enjoyable to watch the two roll around and play together. 

(Also, since I forgot to get pictures before, here are both of the cuties!)

(Also, since I forgot to get pictures before, here are both of the cuties!)

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(GAAAWW! I CAN'T HELP IT! SO CUUUUTE!!! Okay! I'm done! Continue!)

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(GAAAWW! I CAN'T HELP IT! SO CUUUUTE!!! Okay! I'm done! Continue!)

After they were done eating, the bounded over to the couch and curled up together to get some rest of their own. I smiled a little as I saw the two of them together. They really did look truly happy. I sighed, wondering if I would ever have something like that. After everything I'd done...would Gavin forgive me? Well...if he even had the chance to forgive me.

I decided to go for a walk. Maybe the cool and fresh night air would help my stress levels. As I got ready to leave, I heard Cheezy meow. I looked over my shoulder at him. His bright green eyes bored into mine. It was as if the small creature knew exactly what I was thinking. I smiled reassuringly at the cuddly orange tabby cat. "Don't fret, Cheezy. I'll return before long. You have my word." This seemed to satisfy him, for he curled up around Satin again and went back to getting some rest as he lay beside his beloved mate.

I let them be as I headed out into the night. It was rather lovely out. The sky was clear of cloud and the moon along with the stars shone brightly, lighting up the sky. I just kept walking with my hands resting behind my back as usual. 

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