Chapter 144

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You ran. You ran as fast as you could. The look on his terrified you. That look of anger and even a bit of hatred had been too much. You had never expected him to react so violently. You expected him to be upset and to have some anger, but you had never anticipated that

It didn't matter now, however. What had been done was done and you weren't going back. You were too afraid to face him again, so you'd come to a very simple conclusion. You weren't going to face him again. At that point, no force on Earth could make you go back.

You kept running blindly until you knew you were miles away from your home. You soon slowed down to a jog before eventually reaching a very slow walk. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to keep yourself warm. 

You flinched as you felt a drop of water hit your nose. You looked up, seeing that the night sky was clouded over. No stars shone through the thick grey canopy that now blanketed the world above you. The droplets fell around you, slow at first. Then, before you knew it, it was pouring down relentlessly, not caring who or what was caught in it. 

You were drenched in seconds. You almost didn't care. You just kept walking, your tears mixing with the droplets that rolled down your entire body. The world seemed determined to encapsulate what you were feeling, for the emotional storm inside you was raging and showed no signs of stopping.

It was getting hard to see through the downpour. You blinked a few times, trying to shake the water from your eyelashes. It was to no avail. 

Soaked, blind, and at a loss for where you were, you began to wander. You trudged shamelessly through the city. As you walked, your mind drifted to other thoughts. You wondered how far you'd gone. All of your sensors were useless in weather like this. 

The wind blew strong and you stumbled back, struggling to keep your footing. You were glad that it only blew really hard once in a while. The rain was your main enemy. Whether or not it was the world, bad luck or just coincidence didn't matter to you anymore. It was a fight to keep going and you were on the losing side.

You took a single step down, crossing a road without even knowing it. As soon as you began to cross, two blinding lights came through the mist. Still having a bit of feeling in your body, you shrieked and dove out of the way, landing hard on the other side of the road. It didn't welcome you happily though. 

Normally, you would've been pleased to land on dirt instead of pavement. However, the dirt was no longer dirt thanks to the heavy rain. You slowly peeled yourself out of the mud that you'd landed it. It stuck to the entire right side of your body with the exception of your face. You'd been lucky enough to stop yourself from banging your head into the ground.

You got up and kept going. Your body was on the brink of shutting down. You were exhausted and each step was becoming agony. Then, lights in the distance caught your eye. You peered through the rain trying to make out what the brightly lit sign was saying. You got closer and you were able to make out the words. It was an apartment building. 

Shelter Needed: Try to stay here?

You didn't have any other options besides stay outside in the rain. You knew couldn't last much longer out there. Making up your mind, you decided to see if they would let you stay.

You headed inside and you were lucky enough to be greeted by a single android desk attendant. You could tell because she still had her LED. She looked stunned as you came in. 

"Oh my word!" She rushed over, taking your un-muddied arm to steady you. "Ma'am? Can you hear me?" She asked. You nodded, involuntarily starting to shiver from the contrast of the heated room against your clingy soaked clothes. "What happened to you? Why are you out in this whether...wearing this?" She asked. 

"I-I need a place to stay." You told her, your voice hardly able to make a sound above a whisper.

"Oh don't know if I can-" You cut her off.

"P-please...I-I'm lost and I have nowhere else to go." You whimpered, begging her to help you. She bit her lip, unsure and nervous. She glanced down and her eyes widened.

"A-are you pregnant!?" Your clingy tank top made the small bump more apparent. You nodded.

"Y-yes..." Her face fell.

"Oh, honey..." She held your arm tighter. "Come with me. Let's get you cleaned up." You let her guide you away and she took a key from behind the desk. You scanned it.

Key Number: 6-12

She took you to the sixth floor and led you to room number twelve. You had already guessed all of this from the key number. She closed the door and helped you to the bathroom. You thanked her as she set you down on the toilet and began to fill the tub with water. She gave you a sweet smile before feeling the temperature of the water. 

"I-I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She turned to you, looking surprised.

"Oh, honey, don't be sorry. You've clearly had a rough night. Come on, the water's just right." She took off your tank top and allowed you to peel off your shorts and underwear. She made sure you were steady as you stepped into the water. You didn't care that she was seeing you like this. You knew you couldn't do it on your own. "How's the water?"

"It's fine." You told her. Your voice was less raspy now thanks to the soothing steam of the bathwater. 

"I'm going to go put these in the wash. I'll be right back, okay?" You nodded with a tired yet thankful smile. She left and you slowly began to scrub the mud off of your body. She came back with clean PJ's and a couple of towels. 

She cleaned your hair for you while you finished gently scrubbing your body. She drained the tub and helped you dry off as you stepped out onto one of the towels that she'd laid out for you. 

"Thank you, Miss." You told her again. She smiled sympathetically at you.

"My name's Lila." A tiny grin formed on your lips.

"(Y/n)." You replied.

"Well...not many people are staying on this floor right now. It should be quiet and my boss won't know the difference. He hardly checks to see which rooms are occupied as long as he's getting his money. If you're not registered, then he'll never know you're here. You can stay as long as you like. I'll cover for you." 

"That's very kind of you, Lila." 

"It's the least I can do-...wait...oh my god! You're bleeding!" 

"What?" You asked.

"You're head! There's blood in the back! How did I not notice before?!" 

"Oh..." You muttered. You weren't surprised. Connor had thrown you pretty hard. 

"You're not worried at all!?"

"Can you patch it up?" You asked.

"Y-yes, I can." 

"Then no. I'm not worried. I'm not surprised either." She frowned.

"Oh must've been through a lot to be so calm about it." She handed you the clean clothes. "Can you get dressed while I go grab the first aid?" You nodded. She hurried off and you pulled on the clothes she'd offered you. They were just the right size, luckily. 

Lila came back and began to treat your head wound. Your eyelids were starting to feel like lead at this point. You could hardly keep them open. Lila finished treating your wound and noticed how exhausted you looked. 

She helped you to the bedroom with no questions asked. She pulled back the covers and helped you lay down before covering you up and giving you a smile. "Stay awake a little longer. I need to get you something." 

She went to retrieve something for you yet again and once she came back you saw that she had some pills and a glass of water. You knew these to be pain pills. You took them and washed them down with the water she'd offered you.

She turned off the light and left with a soft 'goodnight'. Your head hit the pillow and, just like the light, you were out. When you'd wake up? Only time would tell.

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