Chapter 176

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*Earlier that day...*

You laid in bed, waiting for Cass and Jaylin to arrive. You had honestly wanted Connor to stay home, but you had pushed your wants aside, knowing that he couldn't stay. That was how a job worked. I'm honestly surprised Fowler hasn't fired me. I think it's because he knows me. I'm extremely lucky. 

As you waited for them, you wondered if it would be okay if you tried to make yourself some tea. You knew that you still had some night time tea. Maybe that will help me sleep. You made up your mind and forced yourself to get up. Your head instantly started spinning. It felt like it was on fire too. 

Still, you stood up and slowly made your way to the kitchen. You opened the cupboard and reached for the box. You strained a bit, but you got it just in time before another dizzy spell hit you. You gripped the counter hard, forcing your hands to work so you wouldn't fall over. 

Once you'd reobtained some of your balance, you grabbed a cup and put the water in. You heated up the water before setting the tea bad in. You let it be for a bit before taking a sip. It wasn't as hot by now, which was good since it was steaming when you'd brought it out of the microwave.

You went back to the bedroom. You set the cup down on the nightstand and you sat down on the bed. You knew you felt tired, but that didn't mean you were going to get any sleep. You sighed and laid back down. Covering up as much as you could, you closed your eyes, hoping to get some rest. 

The peace lasted for about an hour and a half. You were confused as to why Jay and Cass hadn't shown up yet. Maybe Cass had to do something for work before she left with Jay. 

You decided to wait for them in the living room. You got up and walked out to the couch. You laid down on it after grabbing three blankets for yourself. The couch was pretty comfortable, actually. More comfortable than you were expecting it to be anyway. 

As you laid there, still attempting to rest, you heard a knock on the door. Confused, you got up to answer it. You were surprised to see a woman there. She smiled at you as she began to speak.

"Hello, Miss! Sorry for bothering you. I just have a package for you." You hid your sickness and smiled at her with a nod. You did your best to hide your cracked voice.

"Thank you." Unfortunately, your act hadn't stood strong. Another dizzy spell hit you and you ended up leaning against the door frame. The woman noticed this right away and she frowned.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" 

"Y-yes. I'm sorry. I've just been sick recently." Your voice cracked a bit again as you spoke. 

"Oh, honey, you're in no state to be up and around! Here, let me help you to the couch or something."

"N-no, I don't want to delay you, o-or...anything." Damn it, give me a break, you stupid sickness!

"It's alright. I'm not on a tight schedule. Now, let's get you back inside." She helped you to the couch and then she went to go get the package. She brought it inside and set it down where it would be out of the way. She came over to you and you gave her a smile.

"Thank you, Ma'ma." 

"Oh, my name's Jezebeth." She introduced. "Let me get you something to drink." You could hardly protest at this point. 

"I-I left...some tea in my bedroom. D-down the hall, you can't miss it." You explained. She nodded and went to get it. A few minutes later, she came back.

"I'll heat it up." After she warmed it up again, she gave it to you. You took a sip and thanked her. As you drank it, you realized it tasted a bit different. You looked at Jezebeth.

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