Chapter 121

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

You and Connor got home and you went to your room to dig out your old suitcase. Luckily, it was still in good condition. It was a fairly big suitcase and since Connor was going to be gone for a while, that worked in your favor.

"So, how long do you think you'll be gone?" You asked.

"It's hard to say, but by my estimation, it should be about three to five weeks." You frowned.

"I'm going to miss you." He smiled softly at you.

"It will be alright. I'll come home. I promise." He said and hugged you. "But I'm going to miss you too." You chuckled and gave him a kiss.

"I'd hope so." You told him.

"We'd better get packing." You nodded.

"Yeah." You helped him pack everything he'd need and once you were done, you both decided to watch a few movies together. By the end of the fourth movie, it was getting pretty late. Fowler had given all of you the two days off since you all needed to get ready to go, so it was enjoyable to just relax.

Once you decided it was time to head to bed, Connor actually stopped you. You were confused by this, but you saw the blush on his face and you became more intrigued than anything else. He looked nervous, but he still spoke up.

"(Y-Y/n), I-I said before that I wanted to make it up to you for being gone. S-so...if it's alright...I'd like to start." He said.

"Start? What do you mean?" You asked. He pulled you close to him. He was blushing harder now, but there was something in his eyes that was different from before.

"Um...I mean 'start' as in...well..." He kissed you all of a sudden.

"Mhp!" This kiss was different. There was a certain desire in it and it set off a spark in your body. You blushed as you understood. You began to kiss back, giving him your answer. It was okay. You'd never done it before, so you were a little nervous, but if it was going to be with anyone, it would be Connor.

Connor pulled away after a moment, and you looked into each other's eyes. Your face was bright pink and his was blue. He cupped your cheek.

"Do you understand now?" He asked. You nodded. " it alright? Can I...?" You nodded.

"Connor...if I'm going to have my first, I want it to be you. And...if I'm being honest, I want to be your first as well." He smiled.

"Really?" He asked softly. You giggled slightly.

"I'm all yours, Con." Connor smiled at you and he kissed you again as his arms wrapped around your waist. You blushed harder as he held you. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you both deepened the kiss. Connor pulled away for a second.

"Um, I'm not very familiar with this activity, so I apologize if I'm...inadequate at it." He told you. You gave him a soft smile.

"Hey, it's my first time too, you know." You told him, leaning in again. "You don't have to be afraid of disappointing me because I know for a fact that you won't." He blushed as you kissed him, pulling him back down onto the couch. You turned him around and pushed him back so you were straddling him. He blushed harder at this and you giggled at him. You kissed him again and he relaxed.

You suddenly felt his hands drift up along your body, rubbing your sides gently. You pulled back, biting your lip at this. "Mph..." He looked curious, but he grinned slightly as he realized what he was doing.

"Do you like that?" He asked. You nodded, still biting your lip. He began to push his thumbs in a little harder. You gasped slightly, your body growing a little hotter with each movement. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling your bodies even closer. You saw Connor blush and groan slightly at the friction it'd caused. A thought popped into your head as Connor kept rubbing your sides.

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