Chapter 173

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Collin's POV

It was late at the station and I could tell Gavin was getting anxious. He wanted to go home since we were the only ones there, but he had to stay late because there were a few things he needed to get done before he left. It was on Fowler's orders. 

He was also a little on edge because Connor had come in with the news that (Y/n) wasn't feeling well. I knew Gavin saw her as a sister-figure, so this had shifted his mood for the day. He'd wanted to call her, but I had reminded him that it would be for the best to let her get as much rest as possible. Begrudgingly, he'd compiled and agreed to wait for news from Connor tomorrow morning. 

I was currently getting him a coffee. He was so focused on getting done that he hadn't yet noticed my absence from our shared work station. I grinned a little to myself. I always did find joy in surprising him, no matter what way it might be.

As soon as the drink was ready, I went back over to the desks. I set it down beside his hand and it was then he finally noticed I had left. He looked at the cup and then up at me, surprise evident in his expression. I smiled.

"Would you like some help finishing quickly, Detective?" I asked. I saw him blush, but he looked away.

"Y-yeah...sure." I chuckled lightly and helped him finish up as he took the coffee. Soon enough, all the work was finished and it was time to go home. We left together and Gavin drove us home. 

As usual, the cats greeted us as we came into the house. I bent down and pet the two and Gavin went to get something to eat. The cats followed me to their food bowl as I went into the cupboard and used the scoop to fill up their dishes. I filled a glass with water and refilled their water dish as well. They had a long rectangle water dish to share and two separate round food bowls. We found that it worked the best ever since Satin had come to stay in the household.

I walked over to the couch and grabbed a blanket. Gavin came over with a small bowl of trail mix. I grinned, chuckling to myself. He is such a child. And I loved it. He sat down and I spread out the blanket as I joined him. He pulled his legs up onto the couch, leaning into me absentmindedly. I wrapped one arm around him, smiling softly. This was how things had been. Words didn't need to be said. This was perfect for both of us. 

The cats joined us once they had finished their dinner. I pet Satin as she curled up on my lap. Cheezy clamored over Gavin's legs to squeeze into the little space left in front of him. Gavin rolled his eyes at the orange tabby, but gave in and pet him none the less.

We watched TV together and I found an old show that Gavin honestly really liked watching, but he hated admitting it. It was called 'The Masked Singer'. Gavin actually loved shows like 'America's Got Talent', 'The Voice', and this one. He liked this one and AGT more than the voice because AGT had variety while The Masked Singer had a sense of mystery along with performance. He was a big fan of mysteries. 

I theorized it had something to do with him being a cop. His favorite was Homicide Hunter. I honestly thought he'd want to get away from work, but he had explained that he used to watch it as a kid and that was what had inspired him to be a cop. Unfortunately, fate had thrown him in the opposite direction first with his abusive relatives.

There was a lot more to Gavin than people realized. He'd even admitted that even (Y/n) didn't know this stuff about him. It made me feel very special to know that he only trusted me with things like this. 

As we were watching the show, I grew curious about something. I wondered how Gavin would react if I asked him. I decided that it was better to ask than to be left wondering. 


"Hm?" He hummed, currently having his mouth full of trail mix. He swallowed. "Uh, sorry. Yeah?"

"May I ask you something?" He sighed.

"You and Connor are definitely related." He muttered. "Go on."

"Can you sing?" He jumped slightly at this, startling the cats and nearly squishing Cheezy.


"I was just curious since it's clear you're perfectly fine with listening to music." He turned away, scratching the back of his neck.

"" He seemed to be at a loss for words. "No...I...I don't sing. I mean...I-I've never really...tried?" I nodded.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." 

"No, no, it's fine. I thought you wanted me to sing. I honestly don't think I'd be very good. I mean, come on. Me? Sing? Yeah, I'm sure that's gonna go well." I chuckled.

"No offense, Detective, but I must agree with that statement." He gave me an annoyed glare.

"Gee, thanks, tin can." He grumbled. I chuckled, but my mind quickly came up with a very good response.

"Don't be angry. After all..." I kissed his temple as I leaned in, my breath tickling his ear. " make enough music for me already~" His face burst out red as I smirked. I really should've been more expecting of the pillow he whipped at my face.

"Shut the fuck up!" He snapped back, extremely flustered. I chuckled, taking the pillow and setting it back down. He crossed his arms, refusing to look at me. 

"Don't be like that." 

"Hmph." I rolled my eyes with a grin.

"Does the Detective need his bottle?" He threw another glare at me and I grinned. "Made you look." His face fell and he just looked even more pissed off. God, I love messing with him. I knew he wouldn't stay mad for long.  "Come on, Gavin. I was just teasing." He refused to budge. "Alright, alright, I apologize for my behavior." 

"You're not sorry and you know it." I grinned. I slipped my arms around him and pulled him into my lap with one swift movement. He yelped in surprise and tried to get out of my grip, but he failed miserably. I smirked, holding him in place. "What if I prove it~?" I whispered in his ear. I saw his cheeks flush once more. He still refused to give in. I kissed his neck and I felt him tense up. He squirmed a little and I noticed that he was biting his lip already. So he WAS thinking about it. I kept kissing his neck and I eventually got him to make a sound.

"G-god...damn...a-android." He growled after his small moan. I chuckled and pulled back, easing up on my grip. 

"Do you forgive me?" He sighed.

"Fine. Yeah." I grinned and gave him a sweeter kiss on his shoulder. 

"You don't sound so convinced," I replied. I heard him chuckle.

"I forgive you, you stupid piece of plastic." I chuckled in return.

"I'll take it."

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