Chapter 159

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Connor's POV

It had been a few days now. I had talked to Cass a couple of times, but she still wasn't giving me much information. I was beginning to worry. What if something had happened and she was trying to hide it from me? So many possibilities came to my mind. I tried not to think about it. 

I was at the precinct with Hank, working. Well, I was trying to work. It wasn't easy with my mind racing like it was. I hadn't told anybody else about my findings. I didn't want to bother them with it. They had all stopped searching for (Y/n). I was the only one that was truly still looking for her. Of course, I did it on my own. I didn't want to bother them with it anymore. 

I was surprised that Fowler hadn't considered firing her since she had been gone so long. It was nice to know that he still wanted to help her out. I could tell that he didn't want to fire her anyway. We'd been getting along fine, but it wasn't the same and Fowler knew enough to know that she would have been there if it hadn't been for the incident.

Collin and Gavin had been acting slightly different around each other, but nobody had really noticed it except for me. Hank had seen a little bit of it, but that was it. I'd asked Collin about it, but he said that he wasn't acting any different than normal. I didn't really believe that he was being truthful, but I hadn't pressed him about it.

I hadn't realized that I had been staring off into space. I had been blanking out a lot more recently. Hank's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, you alright, Connor?" I looked over at him.

"O-oh, sorry, Lieutenant. I was...distracted." I told him. He frowned.

"You were thinking about her again, weren't you?" I looked away. "Son, you gotta stop dwelling on it. She'll come back when she's ready. It'll be fine."

"But I can't take this waiting! That's all I can do! I'm not used to being so..." I paused.

"So what?" Hank asked.

"So useless," I muttered.

"You aren't useless. You did everything you could. If the trail went cold, it went cold. Nobody can help that, Connor." I sighed.

"I know, but...I just...I can't help feeling like I could've done more."

"Don't give me that. You and I both know what you're actually feeling." I frowned.

"It was my fault. I did this." 

"This was not your fault. You know it was that damn virus. You weren't yourself Connor. How many times do I have to tell ya that?" Hank asked. I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Until I clear this up with her?" I said. We both chuckled slightly. 

"It'll be alright, Son." He assured me.

"Thank you, Hank," I told him. Then, out of nowhere, I saw Cass and Nate come into the station. They both looked like something serious was going on. They hurried over to me and Hank.

"Guys, you've gotta come and see this." Cass started.

"What's going on?"

"It's about Shane and it's not good," Nate replied. We both looked at each other, concerned and worried.

"What about Shane?" 

"It turns out, he did try to recruit somebody to help him. Our families were all connected to each other. It'll be better if we get everyone together. We can all explain it the best that way." Gavin and Collin had come over, seeing that something was wrong.

"Cassandra, is there a problem?" Collin asked.

"Ehhh...yes and no," Nate replied, looking nervous himself.

"We have to get going. Come on." We followed them and we all arrived at a house I had never been to before. I was curious if this was where (Y/n) was staying. I hoped it was. We all headed inside and I was disappointed to find out that it was where the Nickle family was staying. It was nice to see all of them again, but they weren't who I wanted to see the most. 

We all settled down in the living room and they began to explain. Cass and Nate didn't look thrilled to share it all, but it was clear they felt they had to. I was curious as to why this family was involved.

"Everyone, as it turns out, our parents knew Tiffany and Henry, their parents. When we were little, they used to work together." Cass began to explain.

"We'd had no idea that they ever worked for Cyberlife," Nate added.

"Shane was the son of another worker there and when he met (Y/n), he actually tried to use her to find out more, but she never knew about our parents working at Cyberlife. None of us did."

"We think he got an android and did his own kind of experiments to try to learn something. You all know what kind of rotten things I mean when I say that." We nodded.

"But, how come he ran off then?"

"He was caught. He ran off to try and think of a new plan. Once he had one, he came out to where we lived. He was searching for targets. Targets his father told him about."

"How do you know all this?"

"We began to figure it out once Cassandra came looking for us. Now that Shane is gone, a new threat is here." Tiffany explained.

"You remember when I said that I heard a women's voice? It turns out...he has a sister." Symphony explained. I grew alarmed at this.

"You think that was who he was trying to get to join him?" Gavin asked.

"Yes. We came to the conclusion that she refused because she lived with their mother. Their parents weren't together. Each got custody of one child. Once both of their parents died they only had each other, but the fell apart because of the difference in beliefs. We think that she was neutral with androids, but she was still willing to go to extreme lengths because her brother was all she had left." Tiffany continued.

"So...she's after us because Shane is dead," Hank said.

"She blames us for his death," Collin added.

"Not all of you. We think she only blames (Y/n) and Connor. She knew about (Y/n) since the two obviously talked about these things. We think she found out about Connor more recently." Cass replied. 

"So...this is like a back-up plan?" Gavin asked.

"We think Shane gave Connor the virus to stir up trouble and now that his sister finally has enough motivation, she just now started taking action to get her own form of revenge." Nate explained. 

"But how could she possibly know where (Y/n) is?" Gavin asked.

"We don't know. We think she's known from the start of all this." Smphony added.

"It was all part of the plan." Hank concluded.

"But what's her goal?" I asked. 

"We don't know that either. We think her goal is just to keep you both apart." Tiffany replied.

"She wants you to feel the same pain she's going through." Collin added. "It's a very good possibility." 

"If that's the case, then we need to find (Y/n) before her goals change." Hank added.

"Why can't this shit just be over? We've been hunting these phycos ever since the revolution! This is ridiculous! Can't people just leave us the fuck alone?" Gavin groaned angrily.

"That's why they're called phycos. They're insane and they don't give up easily." Cass added.

"So now we just need to figure out how to find (Y/n)." 

"Well, Henry said he is willing to help. Just go to the Cyberlife tower to find him if you ever need him." Tiffany told us. 

"Thanks for telling us all of this." Hank said.

"Of course! Anything to help." She told him. We left and as I thought about it, I got an idea. I was going to find (Y/n) and now I knew exactly how I was going to find her.

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