Chapter 20

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Connor's POV

I had been watching the movie with (Y/n). I had to admit, it was interesting. She seemed to enjoy it. I wondered if she had been enjoying my company as well. Unfortunately, I had been pulled out of it.

I arrived in the garden again. I knew Amanda must've wanted to speak with me. It's the only reason I get called to the garden instead of choosing to report there myself. I spotted Amanda soon after arriving. I walked toward her. She was sitting in a boat, clearly waiting for me. As I walked over to her, she greeted me.

"Hello, Connor. I thought you might enjoy a little cruise." She said. I got in without a word and I rowed since she had an umbrella. After a moment, she spoke again. "I love this place. Far from the noise of the world. Tell me, what have you discovered?"

"My relationship with Lieutenant Anderson is problematic. He continues to struggle with psychological issues. I suspect it clouds his judgment regarding deviants." I explained.

"Nothing matters more than your investigation. What's happening is too important. Don't let Anderson or anyone else get in your way." She said. "Anything else?" I remembered (Y/n) again.

"I am still unsure about how my relationship with Lieutenant (L/n) is developing. It seems she has accepted me, but she is still distant. I don't know how much more there is to do about it. At least she seems to have improved. It will be beneficial for the next case we work on together." I explained, but I was still concerned about her. I just didn't understand why.

"You seem...lost, Connor. Lost and perturbed." She said. I thought about it.

"I'm just frustrated with my lack of progress, but I'm determined to accomplish my mission," I replied. It was true. My lack of progress was frustrating, but I knew it wasn't the main reason why she had made that observation. Still, she moved on to the next topic.

"You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club. Why didn't you shoot?" She asked. I remembered the two girls for a short moment.

"We need the deviants intact for analysis. Shooting them wouldn't have taught us anything." I replied.

"If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor." She said. I felt a little nervous and slightly threatened by that comment, but I knew she was right. I wasn't making any progress and that wasn't a good thing.

"I know I will succeed. All I need is time." I replied. She looked around.

"Something's happening. Something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out." She told me. With that, I left the garden. 

I arrived back in (Y/n)'s living room. She was still watching the movie. I knew I had to tell her that it was time to get going.

"(Y/n)?" She looked at me. "I'm afraid I just got another report. Something serious is happening. We have to find Anderson and investigate it." She sighed.

"What's the case?" She asked, standing up.

"Something happened involving deviants at the Stratford Broadcasting Tower," I explained.

"Right. Turn on the news, see if you can find anything else on it while I go get ready. I'll be out in a bit." She said. I nodded and she went to her room. I turned to the news channels and found that it was all over the place. Everyone was talking about it. I was able to gather a bit more information, but I wouldn't be able to come up with anything that would help us solve the case unless we got to the scene itself. 

"We have to go as soon as possible." I knew that much was true. "Lieutenant! Are you almost ready?" I called. Then, I saw her walk out, all ready to go. Although...there was something about the way she looked and what she was wearing that just...drew me to her. Wow...

"Never thought you could get impatient, Connor." Her teasing went unnoticed. I was...distracted. Distracted? Why am I distracted? She's just in different clothing. That's it. I did my best to forget it. 

"Apologies, but we must reach the scene as soon as possible. This is serious." I told her. She nodded.

"I can agree with you on that much. Come on, let's get going." I nodded and followed after her.

"By the way, you fed my Sugar Gliders too, right?"

"I would never forget about animals like those," I replied.

"Good. And...thanks. They were probably pretty hungry actually. I gotta get my stuff together." She muttered the last bit, but I decided it was best not to make a comment. We made it to her car and she called Hank on the way.

"Hey, (Y/n). What's up?" 

"New case, Hank. A serious one. We're on our way to pick you up. Start getting ready, old man."

"You know, that hurts my feelings."

"Yeah, yeah. Accept the truth." 

"Harsh, much?"

"Like you didn't call me arrogant when we first worked together!" 


"So, you'll be ready by the time we get there?"

"No promises, but I'll try. See ya soon, kid."

"You too. Bye." She said and hung up.

"Your conversations are very interesting." I pointed out.

"It's Hank and then it's me, you should've expected that." She said with a small grin. I was glad she didn't seem to be upset about my company anymore, but I had to tread carefully. I knew now that humans weren't as predictable as I thought. Wait...why AM I so concerned about this? I should be focusing on my mission not how close I get to (Y/n). I told myself. Then...I frowned at this idea. But why do I want to get closer to her? Why is there this...pull? I was only giving myself more questions and problems. It was less than ideal, but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop myself from...liking being around her. I had never known how much a human could affect me. That wasn't a bad thing, right? It's not like being close to her would cause problems....right?

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