Chapter 99

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It had been a few days since Collin had been welcomed back. Everyone was glad to see you all because you had been gone so long. People were even relieved that Gavin was back. While he was a jerk to most people, everyone had gotten used to it. Apparently, that had been enough to get people to miss him. Well, at least a little bit anyway.

People were mostly glad to see Collin since he'd been the one that was at the most risk. When Collin returned, he had acted a little weird about it. When he saw everyone being happy to see him and so welcoming, it had all just stunned him. It had looked like it had confused him for some reason. You assumed he just hadn't been expecting it. Even Fowler welcomed him back. It really was surprising. 

Collin hadn't been there for long, yet he had many people who enjoyed having him around. You had assumed it was because he took up most of Gavin's time and attention, regardless of how Gavin treated him. Still, it was a sweet small thing to witness. 

Now, things had gone back to how they were before. The officers had swept the building and found nothing. The only got the IDs of the people who had been killed in the fight. It added to the information you had all obtained, but it didn't help with finding the main base of this group. You knew the leader was still out there. You had seen her during the fight, but you had only gotten a glimpse of her and heard her voice. It was even more frustrating.

You had been working down in the evidence room again, going through everything you'd found. You heard somebody come down. You turned around, spotting Connor as he came over to you.

"Find anything?" He asked. You sighed.

"No, and it's really starting to get to me." You admitted.

"I already knew that much, but you shouldn't let this take over you." 

"Who can I not? Connor, lives are in danger and this could only be the start. We just need to end this. We have to find the answer."

"We?" You paused. You looked at him and saw the doubt in his eyes. You sighed, looking back at the panel. 

"I have to." 

"We will find them soon. I'm sure we're getting closer." 

"Connor, we're making no progress. We're only gathering information. Useless information at that."

"Nothing is useless. We just haven't found the right clue yet." He said.

"What if we find it too late? What if all of this is for nothing? What if we..."

"Lose?" You closed your eyes.

"This is bigger than us. I...we just can't-" He hugged you.

"We won't let that happen. None of us will, okay? I don't want it to turn into a fight like before, but...I'm not letting anyone hurt you or the others. You've all been through enough. If I have to, I will fight." You looked at him.

"Connor, fighting will only get us killed." 

"Well, Markus is our leader, so I'll follow him, but nobody can stop me from fighting for you." You smiled a little, thankful at first, but then you frowned, knowing what would happen if he did that. 

"I don't want you to have to fight for me." 

"I know, and that's why we're doing this. We're trying to prevent it from happening, but if we give up, how can we do that?" You smiled a little.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, but you need to take some time to relax."

"How? I'm needed here and-"

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