Chapter 12

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Connor's POV

I was on my way to Ms. (L/n)'s house. I looked out the window as the self-driving taxi took me to her house. It was a nice neighborhood. Calm and quiet and it was very pretty, even at night. Soon enough, the car stopped. I got out and headed up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. Nothing happened. I rang the doorbell again and knocked.

"Lieutenant (L/n)?" I called. There was still no answer. I knew she told me not to do it again, but I had to get inside. I took the key and unlocked her door. I walked inside and looked around. "Ms. (L/n)?" I called again. I then spotted her on the couch. I noticed there was a beer bottle in her hand. I became worried. I hurried over and I scanned her. 

ID: (Y/n) (L/n)

Condition: Intoxicated. Approximate time of unconsciousness: 2 hours and 37 minutes ago // Signs of stress and unrest 

I frowned. Why had she done this to herself? Was it because of me? I didn't like how that sat with me. It made me uncomfortable. I brushed some hair out of her face.

"Ms. (L/n)?" I asked, scanning for any response. There was none. I tapped her a little. "Ms. (L/n), wake up." She moved a little. I was about to shake her, but I noticed something. A golden chain around her neck. I brought it out from under her shirt and I was stunned by what was on it. ring? She's married? I pushed it aside for the moment. I had to wake her up. "Ms. (L/n), wake up!" I said louder while shaking her. She responded this time. Her eyes opened and she looked at me.

"Connor?" She said. 

"Yes. Are you alright?" She groaned.

"F-fuck...I-I...." She clutched her stomach, her face contorting slightly in pain.

"Lieutenant?" I asked. She looked at me, her eyes hazy. I wondered if she even knew what was happening. Out of nowhere she reached up and played with my hair. I pulled back, surprised. 

"Your hair is soft." I knew she wasn't sober. I sighed.

"I apologize, Lieutenant (L/n), but I have to sober you up," I said, picking her up. She groaned again, holding her stomach. I was genuinely concerned. How much had she drunk? "This is severely unhealthy for you, Ms. (L/n)," I told her. She only responded with another lighter groan. Then she started to squirm.

"Heeeeey...p-put me down...." Her words dragged on a bit and I struggled to keep my grip on her. Suddenly, I almost dropped her, but I was able to stop her top half from falling. She was standing up now, but she was wobbly on her feet. I held her up.

"Lieutenant-AH!" We both fell over onto the floor. She was on top of me. I was a bit startled by this. I didn't know what to do. She giggled.

"Weak legs, Connor?" She said teasingly. I looked at her face. She was smiling, granted it was a bit different than a normal smile, but I had never seen her smile like that before.

"Your smile is...nice," I said. She looked surprised. Then she got off of me.

"Oh my god..." I sat up.

"Lieutenant? Are you alright-" She stood up and ran to her room, slamming the door. I was confused. I got up and went to check on her. I knocked softly.

"Ms. (L/n)?"

"Go away!! Get out of my house!!" She shouted. She sounded very distraught. I knew I couldn't just leave. I needed her, after all.

"Lieutenant, I have to insist you come with-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT!? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU PLASTIC PRICK!!" I flinched. I tried again, knocking once more.

"(Y/n)?" I asked. "Are you alright? I can help if you like." I said. There was no answer. "Please?" I didn't know how to help humans that well, so I was trying to be gentle with her. She seemed very shaken up already. I didn't want to make it worse. She still didn't answer me. I sighed. "I'm sorry I've been causing you so much distress. I will tell Lieutenant Anderson that you weren't home. I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow. Goodnight." I said and began to leave. I then heard her door unlock. I turned back and went inside. She was laying on her bed with her back to me. I walked over cautiously and sat down on the edge of the bed. I didn't really know what to say.

"What do you want, Connor?" She asked suddenly. 

"A new case came in. I came to find you so we could find Anderson. I...didn't mean to disturb you." She sighed.

"It''s okay. I've been such a jerk lately. I...I'm sorry, Connor. I just need to get my head on straight." She said, rubbing her forehead like it hurt as she laid there, now on her back. She looked at me again. "Connor?"


"I-...*sigh* Thank you, for everything. You did save my life. I guess I owe you something for that, not that I have much to offer that you would need. I hope that's worth something." She said, sitting up. I smiled a little. I felt warm and it calmed me.

"You don't owe me anything. It's a part of being partners for me to help you, isn't it?" I asked. She smiled a little.

"Thank you."

"Of course, Lieutenant."

"You know, you can call me (Y/n). Enough of the formal shit. It sounds weird to me if I'm being honest. Besides, you work with me for now, so you might as well call me by my actual name." I nodded.

"As you wish, (Y/n)," I said.

(Y/n) Status: Warm

She stood up. I did too. I caught her as she wobbled a bit. She sighed.

"Thanks. Can me a little? I...still feel like shit." She groaned the last part. 

"Of course."

"Just get me to the bathroom. I can handle myself from there." I nodded. I helped her to the bathroom.

"Anything else?" I asked. She nodded, leaning on the counter. 

"Can you feed my pets?"

"You have pets?" I asked.

"Two cats and a family of Sugar Gliders."

"A family of what?" I had never heard of an animal named that before.

"Just go into the room to the right down the hall. You'll find them. I'm going to wash up quick. I won't be that long. We'll get Hank after that." She said. I nodded and left. I looked up what a Sugar Glider was. I hummed, interested. I went into the room and I smiled a little. They were very cute. I fed them and they came out to greet me. I held the adults, but I didn't touch the babies, concerned I could hurt them.

After that, I went and fed the cats. I looked around while (Y/n) finished washing up and getting dressed. I found a picture of her and a man. I was confused. It wasn't her brother. I scanned the picture to find out who it was. Then, I heard the door open. I quickly put the picture back as she came out. She looked a lot better.

"Come on, let's go." She said.

"Are you sure you can drive?" I asked. She paused.

"Call a taxi." I nodded and called one. After that, we went outside and climbed in. She put in Hank's address and we were off.

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now