Chapter 91

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You couldn't believe your eyes. Your brother and sister stood before, alive and perfectly fine. You remembered when you heard that both of them had died. How your sister had been killed and a year later your twin brother had accidentally stopped his own heart while trying to drown his sorrow.

"You're alive!?" You shouted.

"We can explain!" Nate said. 

"I would hope it isn't now! We've gotta get out of here!" Hank said. You glared at the two before rushing ahead.

"Then hurry the hell up!" You snapped. "Connor! Locate Collin and Gavin!" He nodded. He closed his eyes, scanning for a signal from Collin. 

"They went that way, but the connection cut off!" 

"Then move it!" You said and hurried to find them. You heard gunshots. You grabbed your own gun and raised it as you rounded the corner. You shot at three other people there that Gavin was trying to fight off. You saw Collin. His clothing was torn up and he was damaged pretty bad. It was clear he couldn't walk on his own, one of his legs having metal and glass shards sticking out of it along with his opposite arm having the same issue. Gavin had a few cuts on his face and his nose was bleeding. His clothes were also slightly burnt. You fought alongside him. 

"Guys! Took you fuckin' long enough!" He shouted. 

"Save it, Reed!" You snapped back as you both took down the two guys that were trying to take Gavin down before you all arrived. He hurried back to Collin who was propped up against a wall.

"Collin, are you still with us!?" He asked. You heard the fear in his voice that he'd tried to hide with urgency. Collin nodded, his teeth gritted.

"You all have to leave this place! I'll be fine." 

"Like hell, we're gonna leave you behind!" Gavin said, wrapping Collin's good arm around his shoulder and pulling Collin to his feet as much as he could. 

"Connor! Help him!" You shouted. He nodded and helped Gavin lift Collin up. You suddenly saw more men run out from the upper-level rooms. You shot at them, forcing most to take cover. 

"Shit!" Hank cursed. 

"GO!" You shouted. Hank led the way for Gavin, Collin, and Connor. You, Nate, and Cass held back to hold them off. 

"Not so fast!" You turned and saw that somebody else was aiming for Gavin. You rushed to stop him from shooting.

"Gavin, look out!" He glanced back and was able to move to the side, but the bullet hit behind his shoulder.


"Detective!" Collin explained.

"Fucking hell!" Gavin cursed. Hank helped Gavin and Connor took over helping Collin. The man took aim again, but you charged into his side. You chucked him so hard that he actually went into the air for a few seconds. The men tumbled and you shot his leg. He screamed and you shot the gun out of his hand.  

The others were able to make it out and you called for Nate and Cass to follow you. The two of them hurried after you as you led the way out. 

"How are we going to get out of here with only one car?" You asked, mostly talking to yourself, but speaking your thoughts out loud. 

"Don't worry." Nate held up some keys. "They own a truck!" You nodded and shouted to the others.

"Connor! Get Gavin and Collin in the truck! Follow Nate!" You yelled he nodded and you all helped your injured friends get into the larger and safer vehicle. Nate looked at you as he was getting into the driver side.

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