Chapter 168

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"I'll be back tonight, Connor!" You called. You were heading out to help Nina. She needed some help figuring out the music. Nina loved being a DJ. You admired her personality. She was rarely nervous when it came to the stage. You'd listened to some of her remixes and you loved them! She was very talented, but she needed help since she wasn't going to be exactly a DJ at the wedding. 

"I know. Have a fun day, okay?" Connor replied, coming over once he heard your call.

"You too. I hope you have fun with the boys." Connor was going to help Jay and Marin today. You knew what he was going to be doing, but he didn't. Marin and Jaylin hadn't told him either, so you'd held your tongue. You wanted it to be a surprise. 

You kissed him goodbye and headed off. You hurried down the street to where Adriana had agreed to pick you up. She was also gonna be there, but you and Nina had agreed to talk in private whenever you got the chance, wanting some songs to be a secret.

You arrived at the location you both had agreed on and soon enough, you saw Adriana coming in her car. You were stunned My gosh, she must have money. That's one of the most expensive self-driving cars to date! You knew Adriana and Marin were a power couple in modeling and fashion design, but you hadn't really realized the extent of that until now.

The door opened and you saw the smiling blond waiting for you. She looked happy and excited. You smiled back at her and slid into your seat, pulling your seatbelt over yourself as you greeted her.

"Hey, Adriana!" You greeted. She smiled at you, a smile that hid the model side of herself. You'd seen her forced smiles for the camera before, but this smile was real. You could tell because it wasn't perfect. It was a little too big and it made her squint slightly, though unintentional. Her forced smiles were perfect, not a single flaw poking through. You were honestly astonished how she could just smile for a camera or something similar to that on a daily basis. It would've been soul-crushing to you.

"Hello, (Y/n)! You look lovely today! I love that outfit!" She told you. 

"Snap a picture. Marin might get inspired." You joked. She laughed along with you. Then, she turned to the automated console in front of you both. "To the studio, please." 

"Yes, Miss Agreste." The gentle female automated voice replied. The car headed out and you both talked on the way there. 

"So, how have things been going with you and Connor? So much has been focused around Marin and I lately that I haven't had a chance to catch up with all of you." 

"Connor and I are stable again. I'm glad we were both able to talk about everything that happened. He really is the sweetest. He'd do anything for me, it's crazy." You admitted.

"I think we have similar tastes in guys." Adriana chuckled. You laughed along.

"Marin was very shy when we first met. I think his android background has something to do with his nervousness, but I still remember how he'd always look away when he was blushing, trying to hide it. Once I finally figured it out, it was all just kind of a slap to the face, his crush, the secrecy, everything. I guess seeing him take that risk to be around me made me realize that I wanted to be there for him like he was there for me." You smiled.

"That really is such a sweet story. I wish mine was a bit more lighthearted and less..." You paused. You knew what word came to mind, but you didn't want to actually say it. 

"Complicated?" She guessed.

"That's putting it mildly. I was going to say...deadly." She frowned.

"Oh." There was silence for a moment. "What exactly did happen between you two?" You let out a half-hearted laugh. 

"I don't think you want to hear that much of a downer story this close to your wedding day." You replied.

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