Chapter 82

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You sat at your desk, working on the cases as you were told to do by Captain Fowler. You remembered your life, but...something felt off about the memories. It was almost like they weren't your own. You didn't have a true connection to them. You had also noticed that ever since explaining how you had been restored to Connor, his stress levels had been a bit higher. They weren't at an alarming point, but they weren't as low as they should've been in order for him to be comfortable.

You had also scanned Collin. His levels were higher now too, but he looked more upset rather than stressed. You had assumed they played into each other. Ever since Gavin had snapped at you he'd been that way. You couldn't find a good reason why, though. Still, it wasn't anything you needed to be concerned about. You hardly knew Collin at all, yet he seemed to be more like you. You had expected him to be a bit more like Connor since the two were alike in almost every aspect except the fact that Collin was upgraded. He was neutral, as were you. 

Gavin still looked like he was fuming with anger. You didn't know what to do about it yet. Gavin had been a very close friend as far as you could remember. He knew many things about your life and you knew many things about his. the information exchange seemed pointless now. Still, you knew that certain parts of Gavin's past had only been entrusted to you because you had promised to keep it a secret. Spilling that now wouldn't help the strain that had clearly just been added to your relationship with him. 

You wondered if it was because of the fact that you came back out of nowhere. Everyone had reacted slightly differently. Connor had been pleased at first, but he'd quickly become more unsure. Hank had gone from shock to being unsure as well. Gavin had just been upset from the beginning. Collin didn't have much of a reaction aside from trying to stay out of the matters, which had been expected. Even so, something about my return, I suppose. Then again, if I died and came back I suppose that isn't exactly normal. I can't blame them for being distant at first. Hopefully, things will go back to what was considered 'normal' before all of this soon enough. 

As you went back to working once again, you noticed that all of the trinkets on your desk hadn't been removed yet. Kamski had told you how long you had been away and you found it strange that the desk hadn't been cleared off yet. You decided to ask about it.

"Connor? Hank?" They both looked at you. "I've been away for a while as Kamski told me, how come my desk wasn't cleared off?" 

"Connor and I didn't like the idea of getting rid of your stuff right away. We weren't exactly looking for new cops anyway, so it didn't matter whether it was there or not in that case." Hank explained. You nodded, taking in the information and storing it away after you had processed it. 

"That makes sense." You agreed and kept working. You decided to scan through your old files and other works to replenish other forgotten memories. You only remembered what could be remembered from when you were fully human, therefore everything you had forgotten as a human, you couldn't remember now either. As you were looking through, Hank decided to speak up.

"Hey, (Y/n)," You stopped scanning and turned to him.

"Yes, Hank?" You asked.

"since your an android now, what features do you have? Are you advanced?" 

"I have a few upgrades, but because of the time restraint that was already being stretched to its limits, Kamski wasn't able to make me as advanced as Collin. But I do believe I have a few features that Connor does not." You explained. Connor's LED went yellow.

"Like what?" He asked. 

"Well, Kamski mentioned I have a faster physical reaction time, I am faster in general, and he also mentioned something about a few new fighting upgrades. Other than that, I have most of the same features as both a human and an android. I still need food to survive, but not as often as normal, I still sweat instead of having a cooling system, I still need air to breathe, but I can remove my skin on my fully robotic parts, I can scan and piece together evidence in real time, I'm a great tracker, and I can survive longer if I get damaged in the same non-critical areas of an android. I could say more, but those are the most important basics in my opinion." They both nodded, still looking slightly uncomfortable.

The rest of the day was like this. You got a lot of looks from other officers, but you already knew the reason for that. You only pushed it aside and kept doing what you could to get things done. Soon, it was time to go home. Connor took you to the car and drove both of you back to your house. The cats were ecstatic when you came home. They wouldn't leave you alone until Connor pulled them away into another room. Once they came back, they still cuddled up to you, but not as much as before.

When it was time to go to bed, Connor didn't seem to know what to do. You remembered that the two of you had come to the point of sharing a bed, so you suggested that it was worth a try and if it didn't feel right then you both could talk about it in the morning.

After you both were done changing, you slide onto your side and Connor got into his. You laid flat on your back and closed your eyes, powering down for the night. You wondered if maybe you should've said something to him, but it was too late now.

Connor's POV

She powered down without saying anything to me. I wasn't mad, but I was saddened by this. I couldn't even hold her like I used to. I sighed, turning onto my side and facing away from her. The cats hopped up onto the bed and cuddled up next to me. I pet them, but it didn't help all that much. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this. I didn't know where things were going to go. The future seemed uncertain in numerous ways now. I was glad that she was alive, but...she just wasn't the same. 

I decided to put it aside for the night and get some rest. I pet the cats a few more times before closing my eyes and falling asleep. I could only hope that I could fix this. So far...there really wasn't any way of knowing.

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