Chapter 68

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Connor's POV

I looked around. I was in a darker room and it was strange because it was hard for me to see, which wasn't normal for me. I looked around, my stress levels rising. Everything about this was screaming bad news at me.

I suddenly heard somebody scream in pain. I knew that voice. My heart rate instantly sped up as my LED went red.

"Hank!?" I called. I hurried toward the sounds. I ran as fast as I could, pausing at corners to listen for him. I was able to locate Hank a few minutes later. I was shocked by what I saw. He was brawling with Axel. I tried to help, but I could no longer move.

"Sorry, Connor, but you must learn somehow." I felt my heart beat even faster. A-Amanda!? "Androids are machines, Connor. We're just making sure that things go back to normal." I watched as Hank began to lose the fight. N-no! Lieutenant! Please, I can't watch this! I-I can't lose Hank too! Hank looked over at me.

"Connor! Help!" I tried to move, but my body was locked in place. Axel punched Hank and he laughed as Hank fell to the ground with a thud. "Connor!" Hank called again, but I still could move. H-Hank! N-no! S-stop! Don't hurt him, please! Axel took out a gun and aimed it at Hank.

"Looks like your plastic friend isn't as free as you thought, Lieutenant." He chuckled darkly. I saw the fear in Hank's eyes.

"Connor! Snap out of it, damn it! CONNOR!" I...I can't!!

"This is for the best, Connor," Amanda said from behind me.

"Lights out, Anderson." The gun fired and I was finally able to scream.

"HANK!!" He collapsed and I fell to my knees. Tears rushed down my face. "N-no! N-not again!" It was all becoming too much for me.

Stress Levels: 89%

I was left there, alone and shaking. I hugged myself, trying to stop being so emotional, but I couldn't. These feelings were so powerful and I couldn't control them. I couldn't control anything anymore. I-I'm so sorry! I-I can't do anything! It's my fault! All of it is my fault!

Stress Levels: 95%

I couldn't do anything but cry. I suddenly heard something in the distance. I looked up. Everything from before was gone. It was only dark. Then, I felt something on the back of my head.

"Stupid deviants." Before I could react, I heard a bang and everything went black.

"Connor!" I heard a shout. "Connor! Damn it, Connor! Wake up! Wake up!" I gasped as I shot awake. My eyes locked on Hank. He was gripping my shoulders and I was back in (Y/n)'s room. "Jesus, are you alright, son-" I latched onto him, crying even harder now. "Wha...*sigh*" He hugged back.

"H-Hank...I-I saw you get shot! I-I couldn't do anything! I couldn't move! T-they took control of me! I-I wanted to help, but I couldn't and it was my fault that you were killed! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I blurted out and Hank tried to calm me down.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not dead, Connor. I'm right here, son. I'm not going anywhere."

"B-but...w-what if that actually happens!? W-what if I lose control and next times it's not somebody else, it's me?!" I exclaimed.

"Connor, I know you'd never hurt me. If that ever happened, I wouldn't blame you. Plus, it's not going to happen, alright? They can't control you anymore. I promise." I began to relax. I still kept crying as I held onto him.

"I-I'm sorry, Hank... I-I was just so scared..."

"I don't blame ya, Connor. Sounds like one fucked up nightmare." I held onto him for a while before finally speaking again.

"Hank...w-what are we going to do now?" I asked. He tensed a little before heaving a sigh.

"If I'm being honest, I have no clue, son. But we'll finish this. I know that. Whatever it takes, we're going to make sure this stops. For (Y/n), okay?" I nodded, still holding onto him.

"F-for (Y/n)." I agreed.

"Hey, Connor?" I listened as he spoke up again. "I...I really miss her too, son." I held onto him even tighter.

"W-why did this have to happen, Hank?" I asked.

"I don't know why, but...things happen, Connor. Sometimes, there isn't anything you can do to change them or fix them, but you can keep trying. You can't give in like I did, okay? I'm not going to do what I did with Cole. You helped me out of that and that honestly does mean the world to me, son. So, I'll do what it takes to help you, alright? I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I smiled a little.

Stress Levels: 34%

"T-thank you...Dad." Hank chuckled.

"Anytime, Connor." He soon let go and so did I. "Come on. Let's go watch a movie or something. I'm probably gonna be up all night now anyway." He offered. I nodded and followed after him. We went out into the living room and Hank put in a movie. He also grabbed a blanket and gave it to me. He wrapped it around me and I wondered why he was doing this. "You know, when Cole got scared, wrapping a blanket around him was one of the only ways to calm him down. Thought I might as well give it a try with you." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Hank." He smiled back.

"Stop thankin' me. I told you, anytime. If you need me, I'll be here, son." I nodded thankfully and we both watched the movie together. I was glad Hank was here with me. He was doing his best to help keep me distracted.

I tried not to focus on (Y/n). It was weird and saddening to think about, honestly. It was almost like I couldn't comprehend the thought of never seeing her again. It hurt to think about her, meaning I missed her, but people usually always came back. Now...she was never coming back. Never. It was such a huge word n this case. I already missed laying beside her. I missed holding her. I missed just even being there for her. I missed the feeling I got around her. I would never have any of that again. It was just so hard. So hard not to think about it. I had the memories, but I could never make more. I knew the feeling, but would I ever feel that again? I knew her looks, her personality, her style, and so forth about her, but...if she wasn't here...would I ever be able to enjoy those beautiful features about her?

I had so many questions that only made my heart sink lower. I knew that (Y/n) was dead...but...the word just couldn't sink in with me yet. It had just happened, so it felt like it would only be temporary, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Death was permanent. Death was forever. Death was something nobody could change or take back. So...why did I feel so weird yet so sad at the same time? Was it because it had just happened? Did it take time to sink in? If it much time did I have before the real punch would come? How much time did I have before everything started falling apart all around me? I knew one thing about that, I probably didn't have enough. When the real wave hit...I knew that it was going to be nearly impossible for me to come back out of it. I just prayed I was wrong about that, but there was no way for me to know.

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