Chapter 37

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Markus's POV

After talking to Connor, I went to talk to my friends. I headed over to the android lady and the little girl first.

"I thought you'd be safe staying with us. I was wrong. You need to leave this city while you still can." I told them. She nodded.

"Getting Alice away from here is all that matters now. We have to catch the last bus. We might still have a chance to cross the border." Kara said. I began to leave, but she spoke up before I got too far. 

"Markus," She called as you both began to leave. He turned. "save our people." I nodded to her and then I walked over toward Josh. I sat down in a chair next to him. He decided to speak up before I could say anything.

"If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. Thanks to you, I might see our people free one day. You and I haven't always agreed, but I know we're fighting for the same thing." He told me. I stood up and nodded to him. I then went over to Simon. I sat down next to him. He sighed and stood up.

"Our people are counting on you. You are the only one who can lead us. Wherever you need to go, we'll follow you." He said. I stood up and nodded to him thankfully as well. After that, I went over to North.

"They say they don't want to take any risks with the deviants," I began. "so they're rounding our people up and taking them to the camps for extermination." She looked away sadly. "In a few hours, we're gonna be the only ones left." She said nothing, only looking at me as I spoke. "How many of us survived the attack?" She breathed in, looking around.

"A few hundred? Maybe more if you count those hiding all over the city." She replied. "If you hadn't triggered the bomb, we'd all be dead." I nodded. 

"What's your system status?" I asked.

"I'm okay. The bullet didn't hit any biocomponents." North explained. "You could've been killed trying to save me, Markus. You have to think of our people first. Nothing else matters. In a few hours, it'll all be over. We'll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us. You have to make a choice, Markus. But whatever you chose, we will follow you." She told me. I took her hand and connected with her. It really made me feel close to her. After a moment, we broke apart. I went up the small set of stairs and got ready to speak. I knew what choice I had made.

"Humans have decided to exterminate us. Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed. Time had come to make a choice, one that very well may determine the future of our people. I know. I know you're all angry. And I know you wanna fight back, but I assure you violence is not the answer here. We are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice. If there's any humanity in them, they will listen. And if not, others will take our place and continue this fight. Are you ready to follow me?" I said to them. Cheers burst out and I heard them chant my name.

"MARKUS! MARKUS! MARKUS!" After the chanting died down, I went to make plans with my team.

"There's a camp inside the city. We're going to do a march and...try to convince the humans to free whoever is inside." I said after the four of us were together. 

"So, what direction are we coming from?" Josh asked.

"Downtown Woodward Avenue. It's the most direct route. We have to show that we aren't looking for a fight." I replied.

"Are you sure about this, Markus?" Simon asked.

"It's the only way."

"We have to try." Josh agreed.

"This is suicide, Markus. They'll kill us if we don't fight back. We'll be helpless!" North said.

"If we fight them, we not only risk war we risk the lives of everyone trapped inside," I told her. "We have to do this right." North still didn't look happy, but she wasn't going to argue with me.

"We should leave it a half an hour. If we wait too long we risk everyone inside being dead by the time we get there." Simon said.

"Right." I agreed. "You all have a half an hour to prepare yourselves. Tonight, no matter how this ends, we're going to make history."

"I know we can do this," Josh said. "We believe in you, Markus." I nodded to him. I saw the group of rebels not far away. I went over to them. Star had been patched up completely. Max was good at repairs.

"Markus, that was some speech, as usual," Cynthia said.

"Are you all ready?" I asked.

"As we'll ever be. We can only hope to pull this off. What's the plan?" Stardust asked.

"We're going to do a march toward one of the camps, no violence," I told them. They nodded.

"Anything special you need us for?" Ryker asked.

"No, but I wanted to make sure you all were ready. You're all strong, and if it comes down to a last stand, try to protect as many of our people as you can." I told them.

"I'll be a living shield!" Joey exclaimed.

"Maybe not that far, Joey," Martha told him. He shrugged. 

"Just remember, no taking lives. That's not what we're trying to represent." I told them.

"You got it, boss," Nate said. I nodded and left, heading back over to North. I wanted to help her in case she needed it. Plus, she was going to be marching right beside me, so might as well start that concept early. I know we can do this.

Connor's POV

I had finished getting myself ready. I was back in my usual clothing and it was time. I began to head out, running over my mission one last time in my head.

As I left I felt worried for Markus and Cass along with her group. I knew Markus would do his best to keep as many androids as possible alive, but everyone knew that not all of us we're going to make it out alive tonight. It scared me. I didn't want them to get hurt.

I pushed my worries away. I had to focus. No matter what happened to them, in order for us to win I had to do this. I had to get this right. I was nervous, I had to admit, but I wouldn't let nerves keep me from helping everyone. I wasn't going to fail. I couldn't fail. I kept going, not stopping for anything. I had to get there fast. I didn't have spare time to waste. The sooner I got there, the better.

I was determined to get this right. I knew I could. I could feel it. Everyone was counting on me. I wasn't going to fail them. Failure wasn't an option. I thought about Hank. I would have to thank him for helping me before with Perkins when I saw him again.

I looked around. I spotted a taxi. I caught it and I began to head to the Cyberlife Tower. I felt my nerves rise, but I forced myself to push them away. I could do this. I was certain of it. I just had to. I breathed in and out. I thought of (Y/n). She was special. I smiled a little at the good memories I had of her. I felt determined as I went on my way. I promise I won't fail you again.

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