Chapter 109

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You stayed in the evidence room all day. You sighed as you still had nothing. You just couldn't debug it. It was beyond frustrating and it had become very draining.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" You turned. It was Hank. You turned away.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" You asked.

"It's time to head out. Our shifts are over. You comin'?" He asked.

"I will be returning to my house in a little while. I still got a few things to finish up here." You lied.

"You do realize your LED gives ya away, right?" You paused.

"I was processing." You said.

"No, you weren't. Come on, (Y/n). You can't stay here all night. You need to stop stressing so much about this."

"Why? Why is everyone else so calm when two of our friends are missing? How can you tell me to relax when you don't even know if Connor is alive?" He flinched. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Listen...I get it. I am worried about Connor and Collin too, but...(Y/n)...trying to rush it isn't going to get you anywhere. Plus, with that message, I still have hope that both of them are alive. You should too." He explained.

"I know they're still alive, but what worries me is how much longer are they willing to keep it that way?"

"They? You mean the people who took them?"

"Yes. They've killed my kind, Hank. They will strike again and they're going to make sure it hurts. I can feel it. If I don't solve this now, it could be all over." 

"Hey, no way are any of us letting them wipe you out. Androids won their freedom and there's a fight with plenty of humans to keep it that way. You got an army behind you (Y/n). They won't win."

"How do you know? I apologize, but...humans are easily swayed."

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" You asked.

"You still are human. Well, you're part human anyway. (Y/n), you're both human and android and you've chosen the right side. You could go on either side."

"No, I couldn't. I'm more machine than I am human, Hank. You know that. They'd reject me. My people would be the only side I belong with now." 

"Well, then I guess I'm an android too." You were stunned. He smiled a bit.

"I'm with the people I care about, android or not. If that means fighting my own kind, then fuck it, I'll give everything for the right thing. It took me a while to see which side was right. Thanks to you and Connor, I know now that it was us who were wrong. Androids are alive and they deserve to be free. We aren't gonna let that change again. I promise." You smiled a bit, but you sighed heavily.

"I just hope we win sooner rather than later." You muttered.

"I do too, but everything takes time." He told you. "Well, I'm heading home. You coming?"

"Yes. I will go home soon. I promise." He nodded.

"Night, (Y/n). Get some good rest, okay?" You nodded.

"Alright, Hank." With that, he left and you turned back to the panel. You stared at it, leaning heavily against the terminal. You looked down, feeling even more discouraged than before. What am I going to do? You began to think of Connor. You looked up, staring at the still glitching map ahead of you. You closed your eyes. "I will find you." You whispered. Your LED spun yellow as you focused on him. Suddenly, you felt a zap and your eyes shot open as you gasped in surprise. The map suddenly stopped glitching and the red dot flashed on a single location. You were shocked. "I...I found it?" You asked in disbelief. You smiled. "I found them. I finally found them!"

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