Chapter 163

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Jaylin's POV

I headed up to check on (Y/n). I hadn't heard from her since two nights ago. I was starting to worry about her. I went up at around noon and knocked on the door. I waited and she opened the door soon enough. She smiled which surprised me. Usually, she wasn't this happy. 

"Jaylin!" I gave her a semi-nervous wave.

"Uh, yeah. Hey, (Y/n). You' a good mood today." Her face fell.

"Oh, um. Sorry, I can explain. Hang on. I'll be right back." I nodded and she left quickly. I heard hushed voices and I became anxious. Who was with her? 

"(Y/n)?" I called after a moment. She came back and she smiled again.

"Jaylin, I want you to meet someone." I was surprised, but I nodded.

"Okay. Sure. I'd love to meet more of your friends." She blushed.

"Uh, heh, he's...not exactly a friend." She told me. I was confused by this, but before I could question her, she spoke up again. "Just come inside." I followed her in, closing the door behind me. I was surprised to see another android in the living room. He scratched the back of his neck, giving an awkward smile. 

"Hello." I waved.

"Jaylin, this is Connor." I was stunned.

"What? But how did-? When did he-?" I was stunned that it was him of all people.

"He found me last night. I let him in, don't worry. We've...we've talked it over and...I'm going home with him." My heart sank.

"Oh..." She frowned.

"Jay, don't be upset. You can come and visit me anytime you want! You've been so much help, after all. It's the least I can do." I quickly regained my composure. 

"Yeah, that would be nice. Sorry, I should've seen that coming. Don't worry, I understand." She smiled.

"Thanks, Jay. Anyway, um, Connor this is Jaylin! He's been a huge help these past three months." You explained. He nodded and held out his hand for me. I shook it and he gave me a thankful smile.

"Thank you for taking care of her." I smiled as I let go.

"It was no problem. It was worth it," I replied. He shook his head.

"There must be something I can do for you. After all, from what (Y/n)'s told me you've done so much for her. It's only fair that I repay you in some way." I thought about it. 

"Maybe...a different place to stay? I-I'm not asking to stay with you two! I just...I want a better place than my apartment. Rent has been getting harder to pay lately since I don't work as many hours as Lila does." He thought about it and he smiled.

"You can stay at New Jericho. Doesn't Cassandra have a spare room since Nathan moved out?" Connor asked her. 

"Yeah! You can stay with my sister! She's extremely close to us and she'd love having the company! She needs some better social interaction anyway." I smiled.

"Thanks, that sounds great," I replied.

"Once again, it's the least we can do." (Y/n) assured me. I was glad that they were so willing to help. I guess I know how (Y/n) feels now.  I chuckled to myself. 

"Well...should we start getting ready to go then?" Connor asked. 

"Sure! Why don't you go down and start packing, Jay? Connor and I will work on everything I need." I nodded.

"Alright. I'll see you guys in a little while then." I said before I headed out. I sighed as I closed the door behind me. At least it wasn't a bad thing that Connor found her. She's happy. That's what matters. I reminded myself before heading down to my apartment to start gathering my things.

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