Chapter 63

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There was no reason to have people separated, so all three of you went in to talk to Jonathan. You and Connor stood while Hank sat down with him. You were interested in what he would have to say.

"So, you said you saw a man with the android before the attack occurred?" Hank asked.

"Yes. It was a bigger guy. Had a sort of bodyguard like form. He was definitely a strong person." 

"Did you see anything weird about him?" You asked.

"He had a large bag on his back, it had a strange logo on it though. I've never seen that logo before. I just thought it was something from a community I wasn't aware of or something."

"Can you describe the logo?" Connor asked. 

"Uhh...yeah, I think I can. It was pretty apparent on the bag." He explained. 

"Hang on. I'll be right back." You said. You left quick and grabbed a notebook and a pencil. Jonathan described it to you and you sketched it down as he talked. Soon enough, you showed him the picture. He nodded, confirming that was very close to what it looked like.

"It was like that, only it looked kind of like it was glowing and it had a blue circle on the temple and looked like it was glitching out

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"It was like that, only it looked kind of like it was glowing and it had a blue circle on the temple and looked like it was glitching out. It was glowing a bright blue mixed with red and there were letters under it. It spelled out...R.C.U. I think." He said. You thought about it. You had a pretty good idea what it could mean.

"Is that all you know?" You asked. He nodded. "Thank you for your time." You said. You let him go and you looked at the drawing. 

"Any idea what it could mean?" Hank asked.

"It's a broken android." You said. 

"What?" The two of them asked. 

"Just look, the LED, the glitching, the blue and red glow he mentioned, it all adds up. This isn't one person. It's a group." You said. They both looked at each other nervously. 

"So what do we do about it?" Hank asked.

"We've gotta track one of them and shut this down." You replied.

"But how are we going to track them? We only have one lead and we have no idea how to find him." Hank pointed out. You sighed.

"I think...we're going to have to wait until they make another move." You said.

"What!?" Hank exclaimed.

"It's our only option! If they make another move, then we have a better shot of figuring this out. As hard as it is to admit, there has to be another attack in order for us to solve this case." You told him.

"She has a point, Lieutenant," Connor said, agreeing that it was your best bet.

"Are you kidding me?" 

"I don't want anyone to get hurt or killed, but there isn't enough to go on. By the time we get a new lead, more androids are going to be hurt anyway." Connor explained.

"Sacrificing a few for the good of many." You added. 

"As long as Markus and his team are safe, then hopefully nothing too horrible will happen. As I said before, I don't want anyone to get hurt, but sadly there's nothing we can do about that right now." Connor stated. Hank sighed heavily.

"Just watch after yourselves then. I don't want to get a call that something happened." Hank said. You both nodded in agreement.

"We'll be careful, Hank." You promised. You all stood up and left the room. You were just heading back to your desks when Chris hurried over. You knew something was wrong.

"You okay, Chris?" You asked.

"We found something on the android." He said. You all instantly became interested. He handed you a small notebook. You opened it and looked through it. There was a stamp on the last page. It looked like the symbol you'd drawn. There was a message on the page beneath it. It only read 'This isn't over.' You felt chills go up your spine. 

"Thanks," Hank told Chris and you all went over to your desks.

"They know we're expecting them." You muttered, still freaked out by the note.

"So what's the plan? If they know we're coming, they're gonna be ready for us." Hank said.

"Then we just have to be smarter," Connor said.

"How are we going to do that when we have no idea how capable they are?" You asked. He thought about it.

"There isn't a way to properly estimate it, but we just have to be prepared. They must have some sort of plan. That much is clear. We just need to find out what it is. We do that, and we'll have the upper hand." Connor explained.

"Uhg. I don't know if this is going to go well." You groaned.

"I have faith in us. We've made it this far." Connor said. 

"I think Connor's right on that much. We have done a lot of stuff in our time, (Y/n)." You sighed.

"I don't know." You said.

"Come on, (Y/n). We're a team now. Are you a part of it or not?" Hank asked. You looked up at the two of them. You grinned slightly. 

"Like I'd let you two go off on your own for five seconds." You said. "You know I'm in." 

"We can do this," Connor said optimistically. You chuckled.

"Go, team!" You said with a laugh. They laughed too. You were honestly excited to get back into the action. The only fear you had was not knowing what the enemy had in store. You could only hope that you'd all be ready, no matter what move they were going to make.

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