Chapter 70

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Third Person POV

The day had finally arrived. It was a bright and sunny Sunday. The perfect day to have fun and enjoy time outside or inside if one wished. But today was a day of sorrow for the city. Everyone knew about the event, and nearly everyone who had a heart was going. Buildings had closed for the afternoon, restaurants had closed, even some stores had closed for certain hours. Citywide there was a feeling of grief in the air. But there was one android who could feel it the most. The dreaded day had indeed finally arrived. This day would surely be one that nobody would ever forget.

Connor's POV

I was dressed and ready to go. No matter how much my feet seemed to be glued to the floor, I knew I had to move. Slowly, I walked out of the room and found Hank waiting out on the couch with Sumo and the cats. Hank had made sure that they could come. I was glad they were all well behaved. The Sugar Glider family had to stay home, unfortunately. They were all night creatures anyway, so this wouldn't be the best thing for them to be brought out for so long into a crowded event.

"Ready, Connor?" He asked.

"...Yes." He nodded and we walked out.  He got the pets into the back of the car and I got into the front passenger side. Hank drove us to where the ceremony was being held. I felt more and more dread the closer we got. 

When we arrived, Hank got out first and I slowly followed after as he got the animals. The cats were actually on leashes too. We headed up to our seats. I saw that a lot of people and androids alike were looking at me. I tried not to make eye contact with a lot of them. Everyone knew who I was and that thought didn't exactly sit well with me.

We sat down and I was scared to look up. I was scared to look at it. Still, I knew I had too. I looked up and I saw it. I saw the coffin in the center ahead of me. It was closed because Hank thought that would be better for me. I disagreed because I wanted to see her one last time, but I understood what Hank meant when he said it would be better for me. It would probably only hurt more. 

I glanced around. So many people were here. I knew it had to be at least a thousand. The word had really gotten out. The ceremony was outside if that wasn't apparent by how many people were coming. We needed a bigger space. I hadn't actually known that officers from different departments across the country came to these type of events until Hank told me about a different funeral he went to for a cop in Minnesota when he was a new officer.

Besides that, most of the city was coming too. Thanks to Markus, pretty much everyone knew about it and everyone that cared was coming. I didn't know whether I liked that or not. It was obviously a good thing to have so many people here in support, all felt wrong to me. I guess the funeral itself felt wrong, actually. 

Fowler was going to be the main speaker because he was the Captain. We didn't really have any ideas of who else could speak. I wasn't going to speak at all. Neither was Hank. I didn't have the courage to speak about her in front of so many people. I could hardly speak about her at all now.

Soon enough, it started. Everything grew silent. Fowler walked up and I saw him glance over at me. I had no reaction to it. I didn't want to show any sort of reactions to anything yet. He took in a breath before starting to speak. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we've come here to pay respects and morn a fallen officer. Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n) died 10 days ago out on the field. She and her partners were in pursuit of a dangerous and armed criminal. She suffered a bullet to the right of her heart. She died minutes later from the shot. There was no time for medical attention. But let it be known that she saved another life that day and her death was one that was in no way less than honorable." The memories came back as he spoke and I was already trying to control my grief. "(Y/n) had been working with the force ever since she was 19 and she was one of the greatest officers that I'd ever known. She'd been through hardships and changes, but even if she was discouraged, she always found a way to live through them. No matter what happens from this point on, she will be remembered and she will be honored for years to come." My heart was breaking all over again. It was all becoming too much again. I couldn't hold my tears back as they trickled down my cheeks. I didn't want anyone to see, but there was nothing I could do about that anymore. "Now, at this point, I would ask any relatives to come forward and say their final goodbyes, but sadly there are no living relatives that belong to the (L/n) family. Instead, I ask any close friends to come up and speak if they wish." 

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