Chapter 78

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Gavin's POV

We got home and I instantly went to get a beer. Collin was greeted by Cheezy again and I growled angrily at the affection he was getting from my cat. I snatched a bottle out of the fridge and I went to turn on something to calm myself down. Unfortunately, Collin noticed my anger and decided to ask about it.

"Detective, you seem upset about something. Would it have anything to do with the case today?" He asked.

"No," I growled back at him. His LED went yellow at my response. 

"Perhaps you should-"

"I don't need your fuckin' advice!" I snapped. He didn't even flinch or anything. "In fact, I never even wanted you around in the first place! Why don't you just go back to that tower and leave me alone!?" I yelled.

"Because I was assigned to this case-"

"By who?" He looked slightly confused by my question. "Who made you come here, huh? You don't act like any other deviant, you act like you're just a normal android! How do I know you weren't sent here as some sort of spy, huh!?" I growled, standing up to face him. 

"Detective, you are being irrational." He replied.

"Am I!? You act like you don't care about anything! You just come into the station to replace her and then-"

"Replace her?" Collin cut me off. I froze. Shit. "I am not meant to replace anyone, Detective. Who are you talking about?" I turned away from him.

"Why do you care now, dipshit?" I grumbled. 

"Your emotional levels have changed drastically, Detective. It seems you are struggling with grief." I glared at him.

"Shut up." I hissed.

"Are you perhaps upset because I am taking the position of a former officer?" He asked. I snapped.

"I'M UPSET BECAUSE (Y/N) IS DEAD AND THEN YOU COME AND TAKE HER FUCKING PLACE BECAUSE CYBERLIFE ONLY SAW THAT WE WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO CATCH THESE GUYS ON OUR OWN!!" I screamed. Collin looked surprised for the first time. I realized that I had completely lost it and I whipped around, avoiding his gaze. I felt the pain hit me all at once. I'm such a fucking screw up...I can't even control myself. What's wrong with me? Tears started to gather in my eyes. Not wanting Collin to see me cry, I went to my room and slammed the door before locking it.

I slumped down to the floor, shaking more than I ever had in years. I let myself finally give in to the heartbreak. I missed her so much. I loved her, but...not as a girlfriend. She was my best friend and honestly kinda became like the sister I needed instead of the actual sister I got.

A knock at the door brought me back to reality. I harshly wiped off the tears. I took a breath to steady myself, but it didn't work too well. "W-what the hell do you want?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sorry." I paused. "I didn't know that you were struggling like this. I...I never meant to make you hurt even more. I understand if you want me to leave. You must've loved her very much. I'm sure she loved you as well. I will be going now. Goodbye, Detective." I stood up and I unlocked the door. I opened it and saw him walking back down the hall toward the front door.

"Wait." He stopped and turned. He actually looked confused and he looked...guilty even. It was the first time he was actually showing any real emotion. was for me. "Look...I...I didn't mean to take it out on you. I..I just-...*sigh*" I didn't even know what I was saying. "I'm sorry too." Collin looked a little unsure, but he spoke up anyway.

"Would you...want to talk about it?" He asked. I couldn't hold back a small laugh and a grin.

"Honestly? It would probably help." He nodded.

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