Chapter 140

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It had been almost an entire month since the three of them had returned. Everything had continued as normal. Connor had mentioned that he'd lost contact with the family they'd met. Nobody knew why, but you assumed it was just because they were adjusting to life in Detroit.

It was Friday and you were glad that the weekend was coming up. You wanted to relax. The past few weeks had been stressful for you. You'd began to move on from the guilt. Connor and Collin were still clueless, so you and Gavin were being to feel like that was the end of it. Both of you were happy to forget it ever happened, no matter how hard that might've been.

You were done with everything you needed to be done with for the day, so you were just checking your email. You yawned and Connor noticed this. You heard him chuckle and you looked over at him.

"Don't laugh. It's been a long day. I woke up way too fucking early today." You grumbled. 

"You were also up late last night," Connor mentioned casually. You blushed, knowing what he meant by that.

"And who's fault was that?" You muttered under your breath. He smirked at you, before turning back to his work. I'm just lucky that my synthetic skin helps me hide the hickeys. You thought to yourself before continuing to scroll through your email. 

As you scrolled through, an add suddenly popped up for some clothing brand. You sighed, clicking out of it. As you did, you tugged the rim of your shirt, pulling it back down. Your shirts had been a bit tighter lately. You hadn't thought much of it. 

"Everything alright?" You looked at Connor again. Hank was out having something to eat, so it was just the two of you. 

"Yeah, it's just my shirts. I guess you were right. The food is probably finally starting to catch up with me. Lucky me." You told him. He gave you a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure it's nothing. You still look beautiful to me." You gave him a thankful smile.

"I know, Connor. Thanks anyway." You replied. 

As the day finally came to a close, you and Connor packed up together and got ready to go home. You both said goodbye to Gavin and Collin. You assumed Hank had gone home after his food break. Nothing was going on, so it didn't really matter all that much.

You and Connor arrived at your house and you went to get something to eat. Unfortunately, you'd forgotten to go shopping and nothing you had sounded good. You sighed and Connor glanced over at you. He walked over after he fed the cats.

"Everything alright, love?" 

"Yeah, it's just...I forgot to go shopping. I swear, lately it feels like I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck." He hugged you from behind as the fridge door swung close. 

"Well, do you know what you need?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied.

"Well, why don't you go to the store and pick up a few things just for tonight, and tomorrow I'll go shopping for both of us once you've made the list." He told you. You smiled a little and turned, giving him a quick kiss while your arms wrapped around his neck.

"What are you planning?" You asked. He chuckled.

"I'm not planning anything. I'll see you in a little while, okay?" You sighed with a grin.

"Alright." You grabbed your things and headed out. 

You thought about what you might have wanted for the night, but you were having trouble coming up with something...normal. Odd, why the hell am I craving some of this shit? You shook it off and you finally thought of something that wasn't a completely unheard of combination.

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