Chapter 51

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After breakfast, you got dressed and headed over to Hank's place with Connor. Connor had fed the cats and the Sugar Gliders. You had an idea for what you could do with them tonight. You pushed the idea aside for now. You could plan that later.

You and Connor walked along heading to Hank's place. You looked around as you both made your way there. It really was pretty outside. Everything was glistening white and the gentle breeze made it look like dust was blowing across the roads and swirling in the air every so often. You smiled. You were still a little cold, but you couldn't get over how long it had been since you'd notice any of this.

Connor, however, noticed you're slight shivering and he pulled you closer to him. You were confused at first, but then you felt the heat radiating off his body. You smiled a little. 

"Thanks." He said nothing, but you knew he was smiling. You both kept walking together. As you both walked along, you noticed something shiny laying out in the road. You pulled away from Connor. He stopped.

"What is it?" He asked. You went to get a better look. You walked out and grabbed. You hurried back and showed it to Connor. He took it and smiled a little. It was a silver dollar. "This is a very interesting thing to find out here." He commented. He began to hand it back to you, but you stopped him.

"Keep it. You like coins more than I do." You told him. He smiled and flipped it into the air before catching it and putting it in his pocket. You smiled and you both kept walking. 

You soon made it to Hank's place. You knocked on the door and it opened a few seconds later. Connor smiled at Hank as he answered the door. You smiled a little too.

"Hello, Lieutenant!" Connor greeted.

"Hi, Hank." He smiled.

"Good to see you both. Come on." You both followed him inside and you sat down on the couch. Connor sat next to you. "So, I see (Y/n)'s healing well." You were surprised. You looked at Connor.

"I called him and told him about your injury while you were asleep the day I found you," Connor explained. You nodded. You turned back to Hank.

"Yeah, I'm getting there. It's getting better, but I still have to take it easy. Too much activity will aggravate it and it could also open up again." You replied.

"Well, that's a shame. I was about to take Sumo out for a walk." Hank said. Sumo barked happily. Hank laughed. "Alright, alright. Spoiled dog." You and Connor looked at each other.

"She's well enough for that, Hank," Connor said.

"Even if I wasn't, who can pass up spending time with such a good dog." You said, getting up and kneeling in front of Sumo. His tail was wagging back and forth as he noticed that you and Connor were here. He'd been napping when you both had arrived. You smiled as he tried to lick you. "Aww! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy, huh, Sumo?" You asked. He barked happily as you pet him and scratched the top of his head and behind his ears.

"He's a spoiled dog, that's what he is," Hank said.

"Spoiled but still good." Connor pointed out. You chuckled.

"He's got a point, Hank." Hank rolled his eyes with a grin. He hooked Sumo up to a retractable leash and you all headed out together. You all walked and talked together until you made it to a nearby park. Hank gave you the leash as he sat down on a bench. You and Connor ran along and played with Sumo as the big dog had the time of his life tumbling in the snow and kicking it up at the two of you. 

You laughed as he got some snow in your hair. You were stunned he could kick it up so far. You covered your eyes as more snow was flung at you. You heard Connor laughing as Sumo covered you in the snow. You shook it off and began tossing snowball for the big dog to attempt to catch in his jaws. He ran after the snowballs and snapped at them, making them exploded into small snowy bits. You laughed at each attempt. He really was a gentle and silly giant. 

Soon, it was time to head back home. Well, head back to Hank's home, but still. It was a home for him and Sumo. You hooked up the leash to his collar and you walked over to Connor.

"Now, I'm 100% positive that what we just did was most definitely fun." He said. You chuckled.

"Then you'd be correct." You told him. Just as you were about to head out, Sumo ran around you both. You both were stunned and before you knew what was happening, the leash was around your legs, locking you both together. "Ah! Sumo! Sumo no! No! GAH!" You and Connor yelped as you both lost your balance and fell into the snow.

"This is very unexpected," Connor stated.

"Sumo!" Hank exclaimed. The dog barked, clearly proud of himself. You struggled to get out of the tangle you and Connor were in. Hank came over and helped you both get free. Connor helped you up and then you gave Hank back the leash. You all began to head back to his place.

"That was interesting." You said. Hank looked over at you.

"Been a long time since I've seen you have a good time like that, (Y/n)." You were surprised. You looked away.

"'s hard not to have fun with that big pup running around." You said, making up an excuse. Hank glanced at Connor with a disbelieving grin before nodding.

"Sure thing, (Y/n). Whatever you say." He agreed. Connor turned to you.

"I've never heard you laugh like that before." You blushed.

"I-I know, my laugh is a bit much." You said, remembering what people used to say about it.

"No, no. That's not what I meant." He said. You looked at him. His chocolate brown eyes met yours with that same sweet but dorky smile of his. "I like it." He said. You blushed a bit more.

"Really?" You asked. He nodded.

"It's nice." You looked away.

"T-thanks." You replied. He looked a little concerned.

"Your face is very red. Are you cold again?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, it's just the cold. I'll be fine." You said, knowing that was a good cover up for your flushed cheeks. Connor pulled you in again and you felt the heat return like last time. You stayed close to him, trying to keep warm. Hank looked at the two of you.

"Huh, must be really cold, huh, (Y/n)?" He said with a hint of tease in his voice. You glared at him slightly.

"And what if I am?" You asked.

"Well, maybe this time there's nothing wrong with that."

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