Chapter 120

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It had been weeks and it was almost May. (I haven't been keeping track so we're just gonna time jump again.) You were back to work and so was Gavin. You both had healed well and things were finally going back to normal. Gavin wasn't too rude to Collin while you all were at work, but he made sure to hide the fact that they were dating. Collin didn't mind, knowing that it made Gavin feel comfortable. Besides, Collin didn't really care if people knew or not. He knew Gavin wasn't ashamed, he was just nervous and he wasn't ready yet. 

You understood why it was that way with them. You and Connor were more professional to each other at work too. You weren't exactly ready to let it get out either. But it was evident that you were back to your normal self and that you and Connor were at the very least friends and happy around each other. Even Hank had been in better moods ever since everything had blown over. He hadn't been getting in as much trouble as normal and he'd just improved in general. Things really were going back to normal...with a few additions, of course.

You spotted Gavin and Collin as they walked in. Collin still wore his android suit to work because he liked to. Nobody minded mainly because it was kind of his thing and it made him easy to spot if anybody ever needed or wanted to talk to him. Connor wore different clothes like the rest of you. He didn't really like his suit anymore. It reminded him too much of how he used to be. Still, he didn't take his LED out. 

You'd actually taken yours out not too long ago. You hadn't remembered that you'd even had one until you'd noticed it in the mirror one day. With it gone, you really felt like your old self. Yeah, you had android abilities now, but you didn't use them regularly. You didn't need to use them that often, after all.

As Collin and Gavin walked in, you waved to them. Collin waved back with his normal small smile and Gavin gave you a grin and a nod when nobody was looking. You chuckled at the two. Connor came over to you with a coffee that you'd nicely asked him to grab.

"I see Detective Reed and Collin have arrived." He said, looking toward them with a smile. Collin nodded to him as well and Gavin also gave him a nod. He still wasn't a big fan of Connor, but he wasn't as mean to him either anymore. Mainly because Collin was around. One time, he'd insulted Connor since it'd been a bad morning for him, but Collin had come up behind him and intimidated him in his normal calm way. It was still enough to get Gavin to apologize. 

"Yep. Now, all we need is for Hank to show up." You chuckled. He chuckled along and sat down in his own desk.

"Yes, I suppose so." Connor agreed. Hank arrived soon enough and you both said goodmorning to him. He smiled a bit and greeted you both. You all talked with each other for a bit before a certain topic came up.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Hank asked.


"How did Shane know about all of this? About you and about Connor, I mean." You paused. 

"I...I don't know how he did it. I don't even know how got into the Cyberlife business. When he left, he wasn't into any of that stuff. I had heard that his business had been dying out, but it's not like I cared. It still baffles me how he got into all of the Cyberlife stuff."

"You mean he wasn't with Cyberlife to begin with?" Connor asked.

"No. He ran a business that produced and sold different household things. It grew for a bit and some technology got involved as things got more and more advanced, but that's why his business started to die out. He couldn't keep up with the rapid growth and all of his things just became out of style. At least, as far as I know, that's what happened." You explained. 

"That's...odd," Hank said.

"Yes, it is. How could he have possibly known anything about how androids operate? It makes no sense." As you all thought about how things weren't beginning to blur yet again, a shout called all of your attention. 

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