Chapter 125

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You finished your shower and headed into your bedroom. It was getting late and it was almost time to head over to Gavin's. You were excited to spend some time with him. It'd been a while since you'd been able to do this stuff with him. You didn't remember the last time you both had hung out together.

You got dressed as the kittens batted around one of the little foam balls you'd gotten for them to play with. Resinilly listened closely as they played. Of course, one of the kittens stayed near her. Zayree was blind just like his mother. You'd figured this out when you'd purchased the toys. Zayree had trouble trying to find them. You'd gotten him a special ball that jingled when he played with it. The other kittens were starting to get used to letting their blind brother know when they were around him. Resinilly was a professional at it by now, but Zayree had a lot to learn.

Ocean loved being around him though. She was the runt of the litter and her brother was gentle with her since he was blind. The two loved playing together. Ocean was also noisy, so it made it easy for Zayree to play with her. 

Lucifer, Lya, and Shiver were a power trio. Lucifer was always in the lead whenever they went off on any little adventures. Ocean loved tagging along, but Zayree was always at the very back of the pack. Ocean always made sure to guide him along though. The two really worked well together.

Whenever they went off to have fun together, it was always sweet to see how they looked out for each other. They were an adorable family and it was fun to have them all around. 

You continued to get yourself ready until you felt something on your foot. You looked down and spotted Zayree. You chuckled and picked him up. He nuzzled under your chin, purring happily. Zayree was very sweet and shy. He really loved you though. He was a cuddle bug once he was comfortable with someone. You chuckled and pet the small cat as he curled closer to you, his paws gentle kneading at your chest.

"I would love to cuddle, Zayree, but I have to get going, okay?" You told him. He sniffed your chin area for a moment before giving it a few affectionate licks. He meowed, his blue eyes landing on you, even though he couldn't see. You giggled and kissed the top of his head. You set him down next to Ocean and she meowed, letting him know where he was. "I'll see you all tomorrow!" You called. You put food in their dishes to make sure they had enough for the night. You refilled the water bowl as well and then you headed out.

Once you'd made it to Gavin's, you rang the doorbell and he opened up moments later. He smiled a little.

"Was starting to think you weren't coming." He teased.

"Sorry. Kitten needs." You replied. He chuckled.

"I still have yet to meet that group. They sound like fun." Gavin admitted. You chuckled. 

"They are. You should come over and see them sometime!" You invited.

"Eh, maybe later." You both headed into the kitchen. Gavin had drinks and you rolled your eyes with a grin and a sigh.

"Really? Alcohol?" You asked.

"Like you aren't familiar with it." He retorted playfully. You shrugged.

"Fair enough. Anyway, so what are we planning for the night? Just movies or...?" You trailed on.

"I was thinking just movies, but if you want to play a game or something that's fine." You grinned. You had actually brought movies and a card game to go with it. You pulled all of it out of your bag and his eyes widened before he burst out laughing.

"Holy shit! Hahahahaha! Y-you seriously brought all of this for one night!?" You blushed, glaring at him angrily. 

"Hey! I like these movies!" You huffed. 

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