Chapter 72

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Connor's POV

I went home after a day of just hanging out and discussing things with Collin. He wasn't exactly like me, but he was a lot like me in different ways. He was formal like I was. He was taller than me and he looked really tall next to Gavin. Gavin isn't exactly the tallest person in the world.

I walked inside and I was greeted by the cats. I pet both of them before hanging up my coat and walking over to the couch. I sat down with a heavy sigh. My life at home was so...dull now. I turned on a movie and laid down on the couch. 

I watched it for about half an hour before I fell asleep. I opened my eyes and I was on top of a building. It was dark outside, but the city lights brightened it up. I looked out over the city for a moment before looking around. Why was I here? It held no significance. 

"Enjoying the view, Con?" I froze. can't be. I turned and I was too shocked to move. 

"(Y/n)..." I could only breath her name. She smiled that quirky side smile I'd fallen in love with. I smiled instantly, tears in my eyes as I ran toward her. "(Y/N)!!" I hugged her so tight I thought I would crush her. She hugged back, seemingly not affected by the strength of my hug at all. 

"Hey, Connor." I pulled back.

"You're okay! I missed you so much! I can't believe it! I'm so glad your-"

"Connor." I stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"This isn't real, Connor." My smile faded.

"What do you mean?"

"You're dreaming." My heart stopped for a moment. 

"I-I' of this is actually happening... you're still gone..." She nodded sadly. I shook it off. "No! That doesn't matter! You're here now! You don't have to go away anymore! You can stay with me!" I said hopefully. 

"Connor, I can't stay here. You know that."

"But then...why did you come here?"

"I wanted to say a proper goodbye to you." 

"What!? No! I won't let you leave!" I said, grabbing her shoulders tightly.

"Connor, that's not your choice." 

"If it's a choice then why can't you stay here with me!?"


"NO! You can't leave! Y-you can't...leave me here alone..." She said nothing. "Please, (Y/n)...don't go...I love you so much. I need you in my life. I need you beside me." I begged.

"Connor, I know that this is hard. I miss you too. I want to be beside you, but I can't be. Not anymore." 

"Why? You came back now, so why can't you stay?" I asked.

"Because I've lived out my life on this Earth and my time has run out. With every action comes a consequence, Connor. I paid the tole for my actions. My life was the price of yours. It was one of us or both of us."


"Connor, I was already at death's door before. Do you think if I lost you I'd last another day?" I froze.

"You wouldn't."

"There's no way of knowing now, but I have my reasons to believe I wouldn't have made it anyway." I thought about it. An insane idea came to my mind.

"Then I'll go with you." She pulled back, shocked.


"I will! I don't care! I want to be with you! Let me come too!" I said.

"Connor, you don't mean that!" 

"I can't live like this!" I shouted.

"They need you!" 

"And I need you! We all do! We all miss you! You didn't have to do that for me! You never had to do anything for me! And now it's my fault that you aren't here!" I said. There was silence. "It's my fault that everyone is suffering. I should've done more. Neither of us would be here if I had." I said, turning my back to her. I soon felt arms around my waist.

"You did everything you could. This was my choice. This wasn't your fault. My death was because of my actions and some selfish man's choice. None of it was because of you. If anyone should've been faster, it was me, not you." I began to cry again.

"But...w-why? Why did it have to end like this?"

"Sometimes, things are just beyond our control." She told me. "Look at me, Connor." I turned and she kissed me. "We don't have much time, so forget about the why's and the pain. Just love me now." She told me before diving into the kiss again. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her hard. I heard her let out a soft moan. I blushed and kept kissing her. I felt my heart beating faster, my blood was racing, and my body was heating up. The feeling was too much for me yet I wanted so much more. For a good 2 minutes, we were locked together, taking quick breaths when we needed them. 

Then the kiss broke, both of us panting hard. Her cheeks were flushed red. She smiled at me, the passion still shimmering in her eyes.

"Fuck, I missed that so damn much." She breathed. I chuckled.

"That was indeed exhilarating," I commented. She grinned.

"Still so proper." She replied, her nimble fingers playing with the end of my hair.

"I was programmed to be collected and, in human terms, somewhat suave."

"Yet you can be such a doofus when you want to be." I blushed a bit more. 

"Only for you." Then, I looked behind her. Some of the buildings in the distance were fading out. "Wait...what's going on?" She turned and we both looked around. 

"You're waking up." I looked at her, my heart racing again, this time with panic.

"What?! No! Not yet! I can't leave you yet!" I said. 

"Connor, it's gonna be okay." 

"No! Wait, please!" I begged her. "I just got you back and you already have to leave me again!?"

"I told you I can't stay. I won't leave you forever, Connor. I'll be waiting for you. Until then, live your life. I love you with all of my heart, Connor." She became transparent and I stared at her in shock. 


"Bye, Connor. You can get through this. I know you can." She said before she disappeared. 

"(Y/n)! Come back! Please!" I shouted. The darkness was getting closer and closer. I looked up into the stars and shouted again. "(Y/N)!"

My eyes opened quickly as I woke up. I sat up fast, my heart still pumping. I looked around. It was clearly very late now. My bright red LED was one of the only things lighting up the place. I calmed down and it spun back to yellow. I sighed and laid back down. I thought about everything that had just happened. Tears came back to my eyes. I shut them and laid there in silence with my heart aching, my lip quivering, and the tears trickling down onto the fabric of the couch. I sniffled. "C-come back s-soon...p-please." I whimpered, clutching the blanket tighter. 

I calmed down after about 15 minutes and began to go back to sleep. Then, I thought occurred to me. I had only put on a movie before, but now the TV as shut off. Maybe it shut off by itself. I concluded. Then another thought occurred to me. But I never got up and grabbed a blanket before...

??? POV

I looked in through the window. I saw him sit up and look at the blanket. He looked around and I made sure to stay out of his sight. He soon smiled to himself and laid back down. I knew what he was thinking, but he had no idea what was really going on. I wanted to protect him. He'd already gone through so much.

"It'll be okay, Connor. I promise." I whispered, even though I knew he couldn't hear me anyway, before running off back to the others. We didn't have a lot of time left.

Lost Loving Souls (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now