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Your P.O.V

The bathrooms are normally completely empty during class periods. Which is what I would have perferred instead of two other snickering girls standing by the sink.

Both girls looked at me when I entered, one of them instantly moved closer to the other and put her mouth to the other girls ear. I didn't recognise any of them, which wasn't surprising, but also probably meant they were Freshman or maybe even Sophomores who I don't have many classes with.

I entered the stall and waited just a moment before I realised they weren't going to leave. They whispered back and forth for the short while I was in there, although there whispers sounded less like whispers and more like psh noises.

They were still standing in the same spot, by the corner of the sink, when I exited my stall. They would have looked as if they were copy and pasted if it weren't for the fact that one of them was taller then the other. They both had highlights in there hair and makeup that made their noses look way to small for their faces. I stood far from them ready to wash my hands and then leave.

"So don't be offended by this," The shorter girl said. She was laughing as she tried to get her scentence out. The taller girl nudged her and the expression on her face told me I was not going to like whatever her friend was about to say. "but you've got to tell us how big it is."

"What?" The word left my mouth without me trying and my tone came out very confused even though in the back of my mind I knew exactly what she was asking.

"Oh come on it's not that big a deal." The shorter one said. She put her hands on her hips which I didn't understand because it didn't make her look intimidating if thats what she was going for.

I stared from the shorter girl to the taller one before I looked down at my hands and moved to grab a paper towel. I barely dried my hands before I threw the paper towel in the garbage and walked toward the door. The two girls went back to whispering as I left.

The bell rang before I got back to class but it didn't matter because the Art room is so close to the bathrooms. I grabbed my stuff quickly trying not to get caught in the swarm of other students trying to leave. I walked up the stairs not able to avoid everyone else trying to get to their next class.

I walked across the school to get to the next stair case but something about walking past Garroth's locker made me stop. I didn't notice he was actually at his locker until I turned around to look back down the hall. His head was turned away from me his hand still in his locker as he talked to Laurance. I didn't know what I wanted from him but I started walking towards him anyway. He noticed me by the time I neared him and by the time I was standing next to him he was kicking something in his locker that was about to fall.

"Where are you going?" He asked, I automatically assumed he was asking about my next class.

"Science," I answered, "um have you been telling people we had sex?" My voice came out quiet and I instantly regretted asking. It was a question in the back of my mind since I left the bathroom, but it was a stupid thing to ask out loud.

"Woah when did that happen?" Laurance asked instantly. Garroth was still looking at me clearly confused. He pushed at Laurance without looking back at him.

"Go away." Garroth said and although he was looking at me I knew he was talking to Laurance. Laurance stared at the back of Garroth's head for a second before he turned around and walked away.

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

"I don't know. I know you didn't, sorry." I said. I had the erge to turn around and walk away out of embarrassment but I didn't because I knew Garroth wasn't done talking.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now