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Your P.O.V

I opened my locker and on the top shelf was a piece of paper. The top part of the paper was neatly bent up. I picked the paper up a bit confused and looked at it.

Keep your lips to yourself. Try not to contaminate him.

II'm guessing it's another note from Ivy. This one wasn't signed but this one had similar hand writing and who else would leave me a note like this. I crumpled the paper in my hand and tossed it back in my locker. And on I went to first period.


I walked to our usual table at lunch. This time I chose to sit by Garroth. He smiled at me and put his head on his, already crossed, arms on the table.

"So what, you dating now?" Cadenza asked. Laurance hit Cadenza in the side of the hwad with his palm.

"Yes." Garroth said without moving his head from off the table. He sounded annoyed.

"Prove it." Katelyn said bitting into the ice that she had just poured into her mouth. She smirked at me evily.

"What do you mean prove it." I laughed nervously.

"Kiss." Katelyn shrugged.

"You want a porno too Katelyn." Laurance asked leaning farther into the table so he could look her in the face.

"No Laurance, I don't." Katelyn stated looking back at him.

"Chop chop just kiss her already." Cadenza had her chin pressed on the table and her arms were spread forwrd cross the table. She rasied only her hands off of the table when she spoke.

I didn't see or hear Garroth move until I felt his hand grip my chin lightly abd then his lips touch my cheek. I scrunched my nose in response.

"Are you happy?" Garroth asked looking towards both Katelyn and Cadenza.

"Not really." Katelyn stated flatly. Garroth gave her an unamused look.

"I'm happy Garroth." Cadenza said rasing her hands again.

"Good." Garroth mumbled laying his head back down on the table, using his arms as a pillow. He closed his eyes as if going to sleep.

My heart ached only slightly as I remembered what Garroth had said to me before.

"Because I kissed you, for no reason, without your permission." He said.

"For no reason?"

I looked back at Garroth. He didn't look annoyed, he didn't look anything. But maybe that was purely because he was trying to sleep, unsuccessfully of course.


Of course during P.E we were told to run the mile. Which is four laps around the baseball field, of course it feels like alot more than four. Which is great for me because I just love this class.

The good thing is when we're done we get to mess around on the playground. It sounds childish but after you just ran a mile pretty much as fast as you can it's alot better than having to do any sort of exercise.

Garroth and Laurance were first done which didn't really surprise me, or anyone else for that matter. Then Dante and a few other guys just afew feet behind them. Katelyn and I were one of the first girls done, which is pretty successfulin my mind.

The were both sitting on a big wooden structure on the playground. It was large but clearly not for our age group but it didn't matter. We walked over to them anyways. Mainly because Katelyn, being my pushy best friend, thinks I need to spend every ounce of time I have, with Garroth. Which doesn't necessarily bother me but I don't really want to come off clingy.

We climbed the wooden lader extremely slowly, Katelyn ahead of me. Garroth and Laurance were on either side of the structure not talking. Laurance looked like he was hyperventilating while Garroth breathed normally, although his cheeks were super red.

"Why are you so far away?" Katelyn asked purely because she's a judgemental person

"Because it's hot out." Laurance said as if Katelyn should have already known, "And also because I don't want Garroth to whipe his sweat on me."

I sat down next to Garroth. He smirked a bit to himself without looking at me.

"I wasn't going to." Garroth mumbled leaning his head back.

"Yes you were." Laurance stated plainly.

"Yes I was." Garroth repeated quietly.

"If you don't want to look like you just took a shower then maybe you shouldn't try to run fourty miles a second." Katelyn said. Garroth looked at Katelyn and rolled his eyes.

"How many classes are you failing?" Laurance asked referring to her miles per second reference.

"I wouldn't be talking Laurance." Katelyn said glaring at Laurance

"Bully Garroth about his grades, not me." Laurance whined crossing his arms.

"Hey you put yourself into that situation. Besides I like Garroth more than you, and Garroth's dating Y/N." Katelyn shrugged.

"What if I started dating Aphmau?" Laurance asked.

"Except for the fact that Aph doesn't like you." Katelyn said.

"Your so mean to mean." Laurance pouted.

"I'm honest, get use to it." Katelyn said.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now