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Your P.O.V

I slid the locker room door open ready to head home only to find myself tripping over my own feet. I pursed my lips together feeling my face heat up from embarrassment. I pushed myself back onto my feet, brushing my legs off as if they had gotten filthy. I can only imagine how red my face got when I saw that Garroth had watched me trip. He looked at me unsure of if he should say something.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I laughed it off nervously but then regretted it because nothing was funny. He looked me up and down as if checking me out but I knew he wasn't. It seemed like it was more of a way to see that I was ok. Even though there would be no way to tell. He turned away from me about to walk away.

"I'm sorry." I blurted not really knowing why. I covered my own mouth knowing what would happen if Gene knew I was talking to Garroth.

"For what?" Garroth asked looking at me again.

"Breaking up with you." I said.

"Why would you be sorry, if that's how you feel then-" I cut him off.

"You think I don't still care about you?" I asked almost hurt he would think I completely forgot about him.

"W-well you stopped talking to all of us." Garroth said stuttering not because he was nervous but because he couldn't find words.

"That doesn't mean I want to ignore you." I said feeling as though I was being forced to talk.

"Then tell me why," He said. "why did we break up and why are you ignoring us."

"I can't tell you." I said almost scared, even though I know Garroth would never yell at me let alone hit me. Garroth held his hand out to me motioning for me to come with him.

"Come here," He said. "Tell me what's going on." His voice was soft like he could see exactly how I felt.

"I can-" I covered my face with my hands. If I tell him my life goes back to the way it was, but it will ruin his school life. Garroth took a step closer to me putting his hand on my arm, guiding me to come with him.

"You can tell me anything, I won't be mad." He said almost in a whisper.

Less than three minutes later I found myself crying into Garroth's chest with his hands on my waist holding me near him. I cried telling him I was sorry and that I didn't mean to.

"It's alright." He told me for the thousandth time.

And then everything was black for awhile.

I opened my eyes staring out of my bedroom window. The light that poured in and the ringing of my alarm gave me an instant headache. I sat up wiping my eyes. My wet eyes. Why was I crying? I looked around my room as if there would be a clue.

"It was a dream?" I mumbled to myself. None of that happened. I never told Garroth what happened. He never held me.

I thew my hands down on my bed so hard that they bounced back up. I flipped my body over about as aggressively as I could manage, I squeezed my pillow around my head and screamed. Screamed because I miss my friends, screamed because I hate Gene, but most of all screamed because I missed Garroth.

"What are you doing?" Marcus asked me my door now wide open.

"What does it look like." I asked turning my head to look at him.

"Screaming?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, now leave me to it." I said putting my face back onto my pillow. Marcus grabbed my foot and pulled me so only half my body was left on the bed.

"Why are you screaming?" He asked.

"Because I want to." I said my eyebrows furrowing.

"Get dressed, I'll give you a ride to school." Marcus said leaving me alone in my room.


I didn't talk to anyone in the courtyard, I didn't talk to anyone at lunch, and I barley talked to Sasha during P.E. I find it easier when I talk less. After all they don't want me to sit by them so we can be friends. Gene just wants to mess with Garroth, take my popularity, and gain some attention.

I walked to our game with Ellie. I have no reason to avoid her but I still find it hard to talk to her. She tells me to sit by her at lunch but I know I can't. I'll talk to any of the girls on the team, but I wont talk about Garroth or Gene and they get that. I forget about everything when we have games. Nothing is supposed to get in the way of winning our conference or our regionals.

I played like it was just another day, we won 4 to 13. We celebrated like it was just another game and talked like it was just another game. I packed up my stuff, packing as much of my stuff as possible in my helmet, and then put it in my bag. As I walked out of the dugout my eyes met with Gene's bright blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I neared him.

"Oh come on I'm allowed to come watch your games." Gene said. He put his finger underneath my chin lifting my face up. I shook my head so he would move his hand.

"Well you normally don't put much effort into our 'relationship'." I said putting up air quotes around relationship.

"Don't be like that." Gene said putting his left hand on the side of my face. Before I could push him off of me he took a step closer to me and pulled me towards him. He pressed his lips onto mine rougher than I imagined Garroth ever would. I pushed him off of me after realisation had set and I knew what was going on.

"What the heck was that?" I asked surprised.

"What's he doing here?" Gene asked his voice in a whisper. He pointed back behind me and I knew what I was going to see when I turned around. Garroth turned around when he saw that I was looking at him. Laurance was standing next to him pushing on his shoulder telling him it was time to go.

"Have you been talking to him?" Gene asked directing my attention back to him.

"What, no no I haven't." I said almost begging for him to believe me.

He stared into my eyes as if trying to read my mind. "Let me give you a ride home." He said breaking eye contact and looking over at the road.

"I don't need a ride, my brother's here." I said pointing behind me where I knew Marcus's car was. Gene looked behind me as if he didn't believe me, he then nodded and took a step backwards letting me turn around and walk to Marcus's car.

I climbed into Marcus's car moving my bag around next to my feet. "Who's that?" Marcus asked before I got the chance to close the car door.

"Who's who?" I asked acting as if I had no idea who he was talking about.

"The guy you just smacked lips with." Marcus said raising his eyebrows.

"Nobody." I said really not wanting to tell him anything that's been going on.

"You know Garroth was here." Marcus said it quietly like he was going to offend me.

"Why does it matter Marcus?" I asked turning my body to look at him.

"I just thought you might have talked it out." Marcus said his words going quiet.

"No Marcus we didn't, and were not going to so just dropped it." I said turning myself back around and staring out the window.

I have no excuse for why this took so long to get published. I was just being flat out lazy and I'm sorry about that.

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