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Your P.O.V

"Can we go soon. I might have a heat stroke." Katelyn said, she sounded more tired than she did in pain. Even though it was cold out and there was snow on the ground Katelyn was sitting on the side of the hot tub with just her feet in. But after sitting in a hot tub for almost three hours I too felt her pain. After a while the air does seem to get thinner and your lungs do start to ache, even though the air had never changed.

"Yeah sure one minute." Cadenza said. She was leaning over the side of the tub holding her phone.

"Stop texting Dante and get out." Katelyn whined, she was only irritated now because of who Cadenza was clearly texting.

"Stop it." Cadenza said, although she sounded unbothered as if she hadn't even listened to what Katelyn said but made a pretty good guess as to what it was.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing, tomorrow." Cadenza said even though that meant that they clearly weren't talking about nothing.

"Are you going snowboarding with him?" I asked.

"God no. I would but, not alone with Dante, that'd be a date." Cadenza said.

"So you'll talk to him and lead him on but won't go on a date with him." Katelyn said.

"I'm not leading him on, I like him, but I will not be dating him." Cadenza said.

"I think that might be the exact definition of leading someone on." I said glancing at Katelyn but then looking back at Cadenza who was still looking over the edge at her phone.

"And do you blame me? You know Dante's reputation, and dating him is just asking to get hurt." Cadenza said, which was a valuable point. We all know Dante's reputation of being a flirt and getting with multiple girls, and had that just been a rumor we all thought might be true I would tell Cadenza to go for it. The difference is we are all close with Dante and know he's exactly the flirt everyone says.

"Oh please Cad you know you'll be hurt even if you aren't dating and he moves on." Katelyn said. It was the complete truth but I silently wished she would have worded it in a nicer way.

"Then better not to get attached right? Besides we both know Dante's track record." Cadenza said, she set her phone down and turned around to face the both of us.

"Then don't talk to him in the first place Cadenza Zvahl." Katelyn said.

"To late for that." Cadenza smiled at Katelyn before she turned to me, "Did you go skiing with Garroth yesterday?"

"Don't change the subject." Katelyn said quickly but Cadenza ignored her.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Aw, did you do good." Cadenza whined.

"No," I laughed, "I fell afew times, but it was fun." I smiled just thinking about it.

"Are you gonna go with him again today or tomorrow?" Cadenza asked.

"No, probably not. I want him to hang out with the guys, I don't want to hog him from his friends." I said.

"Who cares about the guys, you're more important." Cadenza said, which I had already guessed would be her exact response.

"I care, I'm not Garroth's only friend. I'm pretty sure if I only hung out with Garroth instead of you guys you'd be mad." I said.

"You already do that." Katelyn said. I turned and glared at her.

"Oh no you don't Y/N." Cadenza said turning and giving Katelyn the same glare. "I wouldn't blame you if you did anyways."

"Can we stop being sappy and get out of this hell tub?" Katelyn asked even though she had already started moving to stand up and climb out of the side of the tub, in a spot where there were no stairs.

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