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Your P.O.V

"You have to multipy the exponents when there are parentheses, not add them." I said.

My arms were crossed across my chest and my legs were tangled together in a criss cross apple sauce possition. I sat next to Gene even though there was plenty of room on the couch. I might be able to see if I sit farther away, but that doesnt mean I can see his tiny writing very well. And sitting on the other side of the table wouldn't be much easier.

"I know." Gene said letting out a quick angry sigh and leaning back against the couch. He pulled his notebook into his lap aggressively but then very calmly erased his mistake.

"Then why'd you do it?" My voice coming out more monotone and bored than I felt. I turned my body, still keeping my legs criss crossed, so that I was facing towards Gene's side to get a better view of his paper. Gene didn't answer me, he turned his head, which had been slightly bowed, and looked at me through the corner of his eye.

"What'd your boyfriend say when you asked about his favorite little friend?" Gene asked changing the subject, he was also clearly making fun of Aphmau's height but I ignored that.

"Not that it's any of your buisness, but he doesn't have feelings for her. I already knew that but I thought I'd ask just for you." I said, my voice coated like butter with sarcasm.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." Gene said with just as much sarcasm. "What about when you told him you know about how he can't even take a Junior's math class."

"He can tell me when he wants. I know you think that you can tell me all these flaws Garroth has and that I'll start hating him, but that isn't going to happen." I said

"Let me know when that happens, when he tells you, that is. In my opinion it's gonna be awhile." Gene said finally raising his head to look at me, and leaning back.

"Why does any of this matter to you. What weird obsession do you have with Garroth?" I asked partially ignoring what Gene said.

"It really doesnt. He really doesn't matter to me. I just find it increasingly annoying that everyone continues to think that Garroth is perfect, and you do to, and it's not true. I think you've been taken advantage of." Gene said almost rambling. My mouth fell open and I was left gaping at him.

"You think Garroth is taking advantage of me?" I asked not able to hide my surprise, "What about when you blackmailed me, and took advantage of me."

"I have my moments." Gene responded, which made me want to physically hurt him, "I think if you would have listened to one word I've ever told you it would be easier for you to realise that Garroth isn't the perfect prince that he acts like he is."

"Garroth doesn't act like he's perfect." I said instantly thinking of his nerves.

"Well he sure does a good job making everyone believe he is." Gene said, his eyes were half closed but his expression still gave off plenty of annoyance.

"Thats because not everyone knows him, your not friends with him. You can't  judge the way Garroth acts when you don't even know." I said, my arms crossed across my chest.

"You shouldn't act completely different when someone who isn't your friend is around. Thats not normal, its just a weird, freak talent you need to have to be popular." Gene said, now he was holding his hands out as if it would make me listen.

"Are you done with that," I asked gesturing towards his work, "because you certainly don't need to sit here if your done.


"I volunteer as tribute to be team captain." Katelyn said, she raised her hand high in the air and grinned. I'm not really sure how it happened but with luck, Garroth, Katelyn, Ellie, and I were on the same team.

"Why are you captain, you dont play soccer? I vote that Christain is captain." Garroth said. Christain, who is the only actual soccer player on our team, I can only recognize vaguely. Christians jet black hair was gelled to the point that it shined in separate sections. He was at least a head shorter than Garroth and much skinnier, but thats just how he seemed to be built.

"I don't want to be your fake captain." Christain said scrunching his nose. His voice was quiet, only because that's how it is.

"Exactly why I have volunteered." Katelyn said.

Everyone in our small circle turned to look at our teacher, at the same time. Our teacher had blown her whistle at us and was now moving her hand in a motion that would tell us to hurry up.

"My first action as captian is making Garroth the goalie." Katelyn said rising up onto her tip toes.

"Why do I have to be goalie." Garroth asked his voice going slightly higher and his eyebrows furrowing.

"Cause your tall, you can reach the ball." Katelyn said, she ducked her head down into her shoulders and raised a hand up.

"Do you understand the game?" Garroth asked tilting his head to the side, "We play it with our feet. And we're all going to suck, there won't be that many balls in the air."

Our teacher then blew her whistle again but no one turned this time. Afew people began to walk away from our circle and head to the middle of the field. Katelyn flicked her hand at Garroth telling him to go to the goalie box. Garroth grabbed my hand and dragged me back with him.

"Come deflect balls with me." He said.

"You mean be a goalie?" I asked, my words coming out as a partial laugh.

"Yeah." Garroth said continuing to drag me into the goalies box and then pushing me out, "Hey, outa my box."

"You pulled me in your box." I laughed.

"Did not." Garroth said turning away from me and holding his hand up high in the air to deflect a ball that was clearly kicked from all the way across the field. The ball hit his hand and then fell to the floor.

"Who kicked that, it sucked. Wasn't even close." Garroth announced knowing that it was most likely Laurance trying to score while he wasnt paying attenion.

Garroth glanced down at the ball that fell on the floor, apparently deciding weather or not he wanted to kick it across the field, which he did. The ball hit the ground next to many people on the other side of the field who were just watching the ball.

"You see that," Garroth asked pointing his finger across the field and then looking at me, "that was amazing. Im playing the wrong sport, I should play soccer."

"Uh huh." I glared at Garroth who clearly either wasn't using enough sarcasm, or he really thought that was an Olympic winning kick.

Thanks for reading!! I just wanted to say that I split this chapter in two so I could get this out quicker (and hopefully the next chapter too). So I know it isnt the most exciting chapter but I hope you enjoyed. Also we hit 1k votes. Thats absolutely crazy to me and every vote makes me even more excited about getting chapter out for you all. So thank you!

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz