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Your P.O.V

I've never been more nervous in my life. A few days ago I asked Garroth if he wanted to come over to my house on Friday. Well, now it's Friday. I half wanted him to say no because I knew I would literally be a mess. As I was slightly freaking out in  my head, small chats were going on at our table. It was kinda quiet because Travis sparks most of our conversation and he was working on homework. I was snapped out of my small freak out when Laurence pulled Travis's pencil out of his hand. Travis, of course, gave Laurence his 'what the heck' face. Laurance pulled Travis's paper closer to him and of course, drew a penis on the paper.

"Laurance what the crap I have to turn this in." Travis said clearly unhappy about what just happened. I watched Garroth take the pencil from Laurance and draw a circle a round Laurance's drawing. Then adding a smile and saying,

"There, now it's squidward."

Katelyn and I looked at each other and laughed. Travis stole the pencil back from Garroth and frantically started erasing 'squidward'. 

"And to think you two ass's have every girl in school after you." Travis mumbled. 

"Yeah I do." Laurance said rolling his shoulders and running his fingers through his curly hair. Cadenza rolled her eyes and made a 'tsk' noise.

"What's that for." Laurance asked looking at his sister.

"I don't get why anyone would have a crush on you. They should try living with you." Cadenza scoffed.

"Yeah well your difficult to live with too." Laurance said over dramatically. 

"I'm sure I'm quite pleasant to live with. At least my room doesn't smell like dead squirrels and feet." Cadenza said tilting her face up and crossing her arms. 

"That's a masculine smell." Laurance said digging his own grave. Travis, Dante, and Garroth all laughed.

"I don't smell like dead squirrels." Dante laughed.

"I don't either!" Laurance said accidentally using a high pitched voice. 

The bell rang, Dante and Laurance continued to argue as everyone else stood up.


I found myself not listening to Katelyn, who was going on about who knows what. As I looked around the gym I instantly noticed a meif'wa with purple hair clinging to Laurance's side and talking what looked to be 40 miles a second. I know this girl as Michi. I only know her because of my friends of course but I know we aren't very fond of her. Garroth, who was standing next to Laurance, looked at Michi like I look at Katelyn when she says something completely stupid.

"Hey. Were you even listening to me. What are you staring at." Katelyn asked waving her hand in front of my face.

"Mich-" I started before I was interrupted by Katelyn.

"Your boyfriend." She said looking at me as if I had just done something bad.

"No" I laughed, "well kinda, no Michi."

Katelyn looked over at them and rolled her whole head instead of just her eyes. "She's gonna cling to him for the rest of class." Katelyn mumbled.

I looked over at Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda who were a few steps to my right.  Lucinda looked at me and walked over. 
"I hate Michi's guts. The next time I 'accidentally' spill a potion it's going to be on her." Lucinda said putting up air quotes around accidentally. I thought back to the day Lucinda told Cadenza, Aphmau, Katelyn and I that she likes Laurance.

"And I guess, when that happens, I'll bail you out of jail for attempting murder." I laughed.

"Yeah you will, you and your rich boyfriend." Lucinda said looking at Michi, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms.

"He's not rich, he has rich parents. There's a difference." I said smiling slightly. 

"Well, most kids that grow up with rich parents act like complete snobs." Lucinda said.

"I think you've known Garroth long enough to know that he isn't a snob." I said raising an eyebrow. 

"True." Lucinda said shrugging. 

Our P.E. class is mostly running and more running the next day. But in rare occasions we have free days. Most kids are extremely excited they get to do what they want. Garroth and Laurance are not in that group of excited kids. They both play outside sports so when we have free days inside they end up with nothing to do and usually end up walking around the gym. I would also have nothing to do if it weren't for the fact that Katelyn drags me into her volleyball bump circle. Now,  I'm not very good at volleyball, but I still play it with her.

At first, Laurance was able to get Michi away from him. But she soon ran back, grabbing Laurance's hand and puting her other hand on his chest. Laurance clearly didn't like this and attempted to remove her hands from him. Michi continued talking back and forth to both Laurance and Garroth before she took both of Laurance's hands and turned and ran as fast as possible. Laurance almost fell but caught himself and was forced to continue running, leaving Garroth alone.

"Hey,  I'm gonna sit today out." I said without looking at Katelyn before I ran away.

I actually tackled Garroth into a hug with more force then expected, forcing him to take a small step back.

"H-hey." He said surprised.

"Hi." I half laughed half mumbled as I looked up at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked kind of confused. 

"Yeah, can't I just come and be with you? " I asked. 

"D-don't you wanna hang out with Katelyn."

I shrugged. "I'm not very good at volleyball." I said. "Why, are you embarrassed by me." I teased.

"N-no of coarse not." Garroth said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm messing with you, come on I'll walk with you." I said letting go of his waist and holding onto his hand.

After P.E I changed into a T-shirt and jean shorts. Lots of kids in this class change into regular clothes as well, since it's the end of school and nobody wants to stay in the school uniform. I wasn't really sure if I should purposely change fast or slow. I'm excited to be with Garroth and have him come to my house, but at the same time I'm really nervous I'm going to say or do something stupid. I left the locker room and Garroth was waiting for me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Your fine" Garroth said grabbing my hand, pulling me close to him, and kissing the top of my head.

"Do you think we can just, walk to my house.  Cause it's not that far and I don't wanna deal with my brother." I said slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, that's fine."

When we got to my house I stuck my tongue out at Marcus who was in the living room on the couch.  Marcus rolled his eyes at me and I dragged Garroth up the stairs with me to my room. I threw my bag down in the corner, Garroth set his down, and thus the night began. 

We watched a movie.
He put his arm around me, and let me lean on him.

We attempted to make pancakes and popcorn in the middle of the night.
We managed to burn them both.

We then talked for maybe an hour.

A Netflix show was attempted, but forgotten in minutes. 

And now I'm here. My head on his chest. Letting my fingers trace circles and eights across his abs. I of coarse, didn't know it had been nearly five minutes since I started doing this, or that Garroth was completely aware of me doing this.

"You know, I can take my shirt off if you want me to." He teased.

"N-no I'm good" I said slightly startled as I pulled my hand down to my stomach pulling his shirt down, which I had some how managed to push up a bit.

"Hey,  your alright" He said grabbing my hand pulling it across his body so I had my arm around him, he then put his other arm around me. And that's how we fell asleep.

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