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Your P.O.V

It's Wednesday now, I spent Friday and most of Saturday with Garroth. It makes me think about how close I am with both Katelyn and Garroth. It's not just them. I get along with everyone else in our little group as well. I talk to Cadenza in science, Dante makes weird faces at me in the halls, Lucinda and I plan to make bathroom breaks at the same time so we can talk. I have honestly never fit better into a group in my life.


Katelyn's voice snapped me out of my small day dream.

"What, yes." I asked quickly looking up.

"Do you wanna work on our ELA project tonight." Katelyn asked kind of loudly to avoid the screaming teens in the cafeteria. I scanned my brain to think of what I was doing tonight.

"No, sorry I have a softball game." I said smiling. Our game is in Scaleswind. It's one of the farthest games we have so we get onto the bus almost as soon as school gets out. Because it's so far away, and because the boys play right after us we're taking the same bus. It'll be slightly cramped but that's fine. Most of the girls aren't thrilled about riding with the boys. I for one don't mind it. Ellie says that's only because Garroth will be there which is mostly true. Everyone seemed to be ignoring Laurance until his words got slightly louder and quicker.

"Garroth, Garroth, Garroth, Garroth."

"What do you want ass hat." Garroth asked looking up at Laurance purely to shut him up.

"Can I PLEASE borrow some money." Laurance begged leaning over the table as if he would die in minutes.

"I don't have money on me Laurance." Garroth said slightly annoyed. Laurance rolled his body until he was sitting up straight again.

"Can I go guilt trick your brother into giving me money?" Laurance asked.

"No, leave Vylad alone. Buy your own junk food." Garroth said rolling his eyes.

"Fine I'll flirt my way into getting money." Laurance sighed standing up.

"Laurance no." Garroth whined as Laurance got up and sat down with a group of girls who internally screamed.

"You have money don't you." Katelyn asked.

"Pfft do you know me. I have a wallet with forty dollars on me." Garroth said leaning on his hand.

"Your such a jerk." Cadenza laughed.

"Well what the heck does he do with his own money?" Garroth asked.

"Spends it." Cadenza shrugged. The conversation continued only because Laurance spent the rest of Lunch with the group of girls.


Ah. The dreaded pacer test. The test to almost make kids legs fall off for the enjoyment of P.E teachers. Not just that but the goal is set ridiculously high. Everyone was separated into their groups talking, but I'm sure all conversations we're about how much we hate this class. The teacher quieted us down and started talking about the class.

"Judging by your expressions you've probably been told by another class that we're doing the pacer testing today. The record so far is ninety" The teacher announced.

"What! Ninety!? Who had ninety?" Laurance yelled over dramatically falling to the side clearly wanting Garroth to catch him. Which, he didn't. Laurance let himself land on the floor with a slight thud and then stood back up quickly, giving Garroth an evil eye.

"Jeffery got ninety." The teacher sighed. I could practically hear Katelyn's eyes roll, and I can imagine it was the same for both Garroth and Laurance. I've never talked to Jeffery, I don't even know what he looks like. But whenever he's mentioned there aren't kind words used.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now