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Your P.O.V

Instead of avoiding Garroth until he forgot why he was angry, I decided to opt for the opposite. I bothered him in every way Cadenza would bother me, poking him, blowing on him randomly, touching him whenever I felt the need too. He never seemed like he cared, which was normal.

He didn't seem mad at me, even though that's what he said. But I knew what he had really meant when he said he was angry. It was hard for him to be angry at me, I knew that, especially when I was constantly bugging him. He wasn't angry at me, he just found it harder to trust me. Which was equally as disappointing. But something I would fix by never speaking to Gene again.

"I was sure telling Laurance about our deal would start some sort of fight."

And I was sure Gene saw the dirty look on my face as I closed my locker and looked over at him, but he didn't move. His happy, almost excited tone made my expression worsen. I shut my locker.

"But Laurance completely missing the memo was probably the best thing that could have happened."

I looked at him for a moment contemplating what to say, or even what I was thinking. I turned around, walking away and looking at my feet as I did so. I could hear him following behind me quickly until he was at my side.

"Giving me the silent treatment now? What is the boyfriend mad or something?" Gene laughed. "I know he is, you can thank Ivy for telling me that."

I stayed silent although for some reason I flinched at the mention of Ivy. By now we had walked to the end of the hall and we were near the glass doors that would lead to the courtyard. He sighed suddenly after a moment of silence.

"Nothing's ever going to change, is it, the way I feel about you and the way you feel about me." He said, all laughter gone from him voice.

I pushed on the handle to the glass door. It was heavy and opened slowly despite it being glass. I hoped that it hit Gene as he exited but when I glanced back I saw he had not followed me out.

Garroth wasn't far from the front of the school. I had told him to just go to his car but he ignored me, like I had expected. I avoided running to him, only because it would have been mostly embarrassing and gotten me there only slightly quicker. Although I did fast walk, my throat itching to tell him what had just happened.

There was a moment of hesitation when I got to him, as if the words were caught in my throat. Enough time for him to pause for a moment and put his hand on the side of my head. He looked down at me as if he could see that I was about say something.

"Gene just came to talk to me." I said quickly.

Garroth narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Well what'd he say?" Garroth said as if that's what he had meant the first time.

"Um, the same thing he told you, I think." I said looking up at Garroth who wasn't moving or doing anything but still had his hand on my head.

"What'd you say?" Garroth asked.

"Nothing." I said shaking my head no.

Garroth raised an eyebrow at me.

"You said nothing?" Garroth asked.

I nodded at him.

"Why?" He questioned slowly.

"Because you don't want me to talk to him." I said instantly. It had seemed like a sort of good deed to Garroth, considering talking to Gene only seemed to let him down.

Garroth looked at me and smirked a bit before he turned away and began walking with me by his side. He moved his hand and placed it on my lower back instead with his palm flat.

"I know but you can at least be a bitch to him." He said.

"That hasn't seemed to work out in the past." I said. Considering I had slapped him, and reiterated the fact that he was a horrible person multiple times, he still seemed to like me a good deal. Especially remembering what he had just said to me. "He also asked me if how I felt about him would ever change- or something like that."

"Mm" Garroth didn't look back at me but I could tell he didn't like what I said.

He pulled his keys from his pocket and looked down at them to hit the unlock button. His car clicked afew times before he put them back into his pocket. I wanted him to say something else but he didn't. I racked my brain for something else Gene would have said that I should tell Garroth.

"Giving me the silent treatment now? What is the boyfriend mad or something?" Gene laughed. "I know he is, you can thank Ivy for telling me that."

I fast walked around to the passenger seat of the car. I opened the door and sat down seconds before Garroth. When I shut my door I began talking to him.

"Did you tell Ivy you're mad at me?" I asked.

Garroth didn't look at me, which made me debate if he heard me. He shut his door before he looked up slightly at the ceiling of his car. He had to think about how to answer me, which for a second made me slightly angry. I had assumed I shouldn't believe Gene and that there was a good chance he had made up what he was saying.

"I didn't say that. She asked me about it and I said something, but not that. Not that I was mad at you." He said, and then he looked towards me with a completely calm look.

"What'd she ask you?" I asked.

"I don't remember Y/N. Probably called you a slut or something." Garroth shrugged but continued looking at me.

"And you wouldn't remember that." I asked raising my eyebrows.

Garroth made a face as if I shouldn't have been offended by what he just said, which I wasn't really. He was probably right.

"I don't remember. I try to block her out of my memory and forget about all of our interactions." Garroth glared at me.

"If I'm obligated to tell you about my interactions with Gene then you're obligated to tell me when you talk to Ivy." I glared back at him.

"Okay." Garroth said. He put his hand out and pushed the tip of my nose back. I didn't move and let him hold it there for a moment. He laughed at himself before he moved his hand.

"Can I have a kiss?" The first half of my sentence was a mumble so I knew full well Garroth only heard the word 'kiss' but he complied anyway. Pressing his lips to mine for a long moment, I could feel him breathing in up until the moment when he pulled away.

I know it's short, chapters will be getting longer hopefully. If your still here and reading please leave a comment, also if enough people would read a second book I'll definitely do that so make sure to comment if you'd read a second book. Lastly, I've noticed there are some guys who read my books. "Y/N" as I write her is a girl so is it uncomfortable go read as a guy and should I look into making a separate book where the pronouns are switched?

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now