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Your P.O.V

It slowly, and I mean very slowly, started to get cooler outside. Which only means the softball season is coming to an end very soon. I've complained to just about everyone about being extremely nervous for regionals. Garroth and Ellie told me regionals would be easy and if I wanted to worry about something it should be sectionals. But it doesn't stop me from worrying.

Lately it seems like I have way to much to worry about; softball, Ivy clinging to Garroth, Sasha refusing to sit by me at lunch, not to mention wanting to fit in with my friends again. Although it seems like they think I'm automatically right back in the group where I left off.

I watch parents and fans start to pull up and sit in the bleachers. I watch them unfold their chairs and hound through their popcorn, although I should be stretching with the rest of the girls. My friends eventually arrive as well, Garroth has practice but he promised me he'd be here.

"Y/N come on let's take the field and warm up." It was Skylar yelling at me. She was standing, ready to catch for me. Other girls started standing up, making me realise I was still sitting. I stood up and walked to the mound with Skylar in front of me. I breathed heavy out of my nose trying to find a spot in my mind that was calm. By the time Skylar had her helmet on and was in the catchers position, I hadn't found that spot yet. I took a deep breath and pitched the ball to her. It was low and out of the box, but that didn't stop Skylar from catching it. She tossed me the ball lightly and gave me a concerned look. I stepped closer to the plate is if it were going to help me and then released the ball at my waist letting it fly towards Skylar. It was low and practically rolled to the plate, even with me standing to close to it.

I matched my fingers up with the seams of the ball and took a deep breath stepping back as I did so. This time the ball was high. I sucked the air in as if it were a liquid and breathed out as the ball his my gloved hand. I closed my eyes for a moment. It's easy, this game is easy. We've played Metelli before, heck we beat them. This is no different. I opened my eyes and swung my arm around once without releasing the ball. I did it a second time letting the ball stroll through the air and into Skylar's glove. I'd say the pitch was bad but at least it was a strike. It was slow and anyone with a bat could have hit it but I'll take that over a bad pitch any day.


I pretended no one was batting, I tried to pitch slow, I tried to pitch fast. It didn't matter. No matter how hard I tried the butterflies in my stomach came up to my arms as I threw the ball. Their first batter got to walk to first, I had only walked two people all season and this was not the game to add more. Then their second batter got to walk. I put my open hand to my forehead for a moment as I put my gloved hand up to catch the ball.

"You're alright Y/N." Ellie yelled from behind me. I took a breath and pitched the ball. Something moderately close that the umpire thought was a strike but most likely wasn't.

They were able to score twice in the first inning which was completely my fault. Our team then scored three points without my help, because I managed to strike out.

Our game ended 7 to 4 with us winning. I did almost nothing to help us win instead of the occasional strike. It didn't matter how bad my pitching was because our teams batting was ten times better then theirs, even if I was only able to get on base once.

I threw my bag over my shoulder so aggressively that I came close to hitting someone in the face with my bat. I unintentionally seemed to stomp out of the dugout ignoring everyone who was standing outside, Garroth threw his arm around my stomach pulling me back a step.

"Hey slow down, do you need a ride?" He asked. All of my other friends that had been here were gone now.

"No, I'd rather just walk and get my anger out." I said without looking up at him.

"Why are you angry." Garroth asked even though he knew why.

"Because," I said, "I did horrible."

"No you didn't, you did fine." Garroth said not moving his arm from around my waist.

"Would you let go of me, I'm not in the mood to talk right now." I said pushing at Garroth's arm, which he moved to his side.

"Come on, let me give you a ride home." Garroth said his voice quiet and sweet.

"I don't need a ride." I said trying my best to hide the annoyance in my voice. This time I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm not that bad, am I?" Garroth asked smirking.

"You are being so annoying." I said only half joking but smiling anyways so he knows I can't be mad at him. Garroth put his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him, lifting me up so I was pressed against him at his height.

"Put me down." I said swinging my legs for only a moment. Garroth ignored me and pulled me up higher so I hung over his shoulder like a child. "I'm pretty sure this is kidnapping."

"Well you aren't doing much to stop me are you." Garroth said clearly smirking as he talked. I narrowed my eyes even though he couldn't see and pounded my fist again his back.

"Hey that kinda hurt." Garroth laughed flexing his shoulder blade. He set me down across the street and next to his car, opening the passenger side door for me. I sat down and put my bag at my feet leaning on the door and staring out the window.

"What's wrong?" Garroth asked sitting down and pulling the door shut.

"I already told you, I played bad and I'm not in the best mood." I said keeping my eyes out the window.

"Everybody has bad days once in a while. Stop being sad." Garroth said talking like a child and reaching out and pinching my cheek as if he were a grandmother. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.

"You don't." I said turning to look at him.

"First off yes I do and second don't compare yourself to me, I'm much prettier than you." Garroth said clearly joking.

"Jerk." I said reaching over and slapping him in the arm.

"I'm kidding you're prettier than me, but only by a little bit." Garroth said holding his hand up with his fingers pinched together.

"Since when are you Mr. Cocky." I asked looking at Garroth through the side of my eyes. Garroth shrugged.

"You bring it out in me," Garroth joked, "don't get down on yourself. You'll do better, your just nervous." He put the back of his hand to my cheek, brushing a strand of my hair back. He stopped the car

"I know." I sighed although I wasn't fully confident that I did know. Garroth put his hand behind my head and pressed his lips to mine.

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