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Your P.O.V

"Hey, this weekend I'm gonna be staying at a friends. Some before finals party or something." Marcus had stopped in his tracks to tell me this as he walked past me.

I was sitting in the kitchen and although I knew Marcus was walking past me he still slightly startled me. I looked over at him as I shoveled more food into my mouth.

"Okay," I said after swallowing, "I'm going shopping for prom with the girls this weekend anyway."

"Prom? When's prom?" Marcus asked. He sounded like he had never heard of the word before even though I know he knew it was coming up just because it was close to the end of the year.

"Like- two and a half weeks." I said.

"Oh, did Garroth ask you?" Marcus asked. He turned away from me for the first time and walked towards the fridge.

"Not yet." I said, I took another bite.

"Well is he going to?" Marcus asked turning towards me again this time with a water bottle in his hands.

"I'm asuming so, I don't really care." I said honestly.

Garroth had made it very clear to me in the begining of our relationship that he was not good at official things. Things like dates, which we still hadn't really done. So it wouldn't really have surprised me if he didn't really ask me to prom.

"You don't want him to ask you"? Marcus asked, he sounded genuinely concerned.

"Well of coarse I want him too, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. I mean I'm asuming we're going together since he's my boyfriend." I said.

"No, you want him to. He's going to." Marcus said, he sighed and the tone in his voice made it sound like he completely believed what he was saying.

"Or what?" I asked raising my eyebrows towards Marcus and smiling.

"I don't know. I'll beat him up or something." Marcus said, he brought his drink up to his lips making his scentence muffled at the end.

"You better figure out what that or something is cause I know you wont be beating Garroth up." I said.

"Why not? You're not gonna stop me." Marcus said.

"I don't need to stop you. You are like skin and bones compared to Garroth you could not beat him up." I said tilting my head a bit and looking at Marcus curiously.

Marcus was skinny, but so was Garroth. It was Marcus's lack of working out that made him seem so much smaller than Garroth.

"Watch me." He said.

"Do it. Next time he's here. I'll invite him over." I said.

"I will." Marcus said much more confidently than I had expected.


"Cadenza, if you bring me one more dress, I might just kill you." I looked at Cadenza with my eyebrows raised. She pouted at me and reached out to hug me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder. She looked into the mirror across from us and I copied her actions and looked over at myself in the mirror.

"I can't help it you're so pretty." Cadenza pouted.

Looking in the mirror the dress, which Cadenza had also picked out, was a dark navy color. It felt soft to the tough but didn't exactly look that way because of its glittery look. It was tight all over from where it started below my shoulders to where it ended at my calves. The only loose part being towards the end of the dress where there was a slit for one leg.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now