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Your P.O.V

"Why didn't you tell me Garroth was cheating on you?" Sasha asked.

Just the moment before she looked as if she had just remembered something and then hesitantly blurted the question out.

"Because he isn't." I said flatly.

"That's what Gene said. He doesnt just make shit like that up Y/N something must be going on." Sasha said. She tilted her head at me and raised one eyebrow. I suppose she thought this was her payment for me forcing her to get out of her room and come to the hot tub with me. I looked up at the sky for a moment trying to find the best way to explain the situation in a way that wouldn't make Garroth seem like a horrible person.

"Well, yesterday, Katelyn, Cadenza, and I saw Garroth and he was leaving Ivy's room. But he already got yelled at by Cadenza so he doesn't need to get yelled at again and I already talked to him about it so it's fine." I said.

I looked back down at Sasha knowing that I had been looking up to avoid looking at her. And rightfully so because she was gaping at me, her expression a mix of disappointment and surprise.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Sahsa said closing her mouth and shaking her head as if to say 'forget about it'.

"Come on Sasha gimme your criticism." I sighed.

"I don't have any criticism to give you, I have criticism for Garroth which I would gladly give to him if he didn't terrify me." Sahsa said.

"Why on Earth would you be terrified of Garroth?" I asked raising an eyebrow. My voice came out extremely sarcastic.

"He's intimidating." Sasha said sounding nothing but serious.

"Oh he is not." I laughed a little bit. Sahsa raised her eyebrows and stared at me wide eyes, "He isn't Sasha. You're intimidated by Garroth but not Laurance?"

Compared to Garroth, Laurance was quite intimidating in my eyes. He's much broader than Garroth in every way. Both of them are tall and muscular but Garroth has such a skinny body type that he seems smaller than Laurance. Not to mention their personalities which completely differ. Garroth's so soft spoken that he could make even someone like Laurance seem intimidating. 

"Yes, Laurance talks to everyone. Garroth's all quiet and secretive." Sasha said.

"He's just quiet." I laughed, "Not secretive."

"Really, is that why you found him leaving Ivy's room." She was clearly joking but the scentence still made me slightly upset. Garroth is an easy person to trust, but Ivy isn't. And even though I said it was fine it still made me feel uneasy.

"I talked to him, nothing happened." I said.

"Okay, I'm just saying. You know Ivy." She said.

"I do know Ivy. And that doesn't make me fee-"

"Hola muchachos."

Sasha and I both paused to look over at the clearly fake Mexican accent coming from someone beside us. I looked at the man who I had called intimidating just a moment ago, Laurance was shirtless and held his hands up in a sort of jazz hands motion. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was drunk. Sasha and I exchanged glances most likely both wondering how much of our previous conversation the boys had heard.

"That means young man." Garroth, who was standing next to him, said.

Laurance paused for a moment before he turned to Garroth.

"Hola hijo de puta." Laurance said.

"Yeah, I don't know what that means." Garroth said after a moment.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now