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Your P.O.V

I was walking to my first class when I was pulled backwards lightly. Someone had grabbed the back of my shirt. When I turned around of coarse Ivy was there. Next to her was a girl wit hmm long wavy dark hair, judging by what I have been told about Ivy I assume this girls name is Lillian.

"Look you dumb little girl you better stay away from Grroth or I'm gonna have to do something about it." She said clear annoyance coming from her voice.

"Stay away from who." I asked teasing her a bit knowing she can't pronounce Garroth's name correctly.

"You know who, so stay away from him." Ivy said clearly offended then running off with Lillian right behind her. I quickly entered my classroom before the bell rang. I sat down next to Katelyn.

"What took you so long." Katelyn asked leaning over onto my desk.

"Ivy stopped me in the hallway and warned me to stay away from Garroth." I said.

"She's so pathetic." Katelyn said leaning back to her side.


As I entered the cafeteria I instantly realised that the only empty seat was next to Garroth, which was most definitely planned out. Garroth turned his head towards me and gave me a look which I know wasn't meant for me and was actully meant for every other person at the table.

"What?" I asked smiling. I looked around the table as I sat down next to Garroth.

"Awkward." Travis mumbled quietly but it was still clearly audible.

"How?" I asked raising my eyebrows at Travis, "You guys kinda choose who I was gonna sit by for me."

"Still awkward." Katelyn stated from across from me, which only made me want to punch her.

"You know, since you kissed." Travis said whispering the last part for some reason.

I only turned towards Garroth because I heard him smack the table. Which after looking at him, I saw that he used his head and was now just laying on the table. I glared at him for less then half a second before I scooted away from him slightly.

"Yes. And?" I asked looking back at Travis.

"So you're dating." Cadenza chimed in. She said it as a statement rather than a question which annoyed me the slightest bit.

"Are you trying to break Garroth?" Laurance asked turning towards his sister.

"Not particularly." Cadenza stated shrugging it off.

"So knock it off." Laurance was lookinh at Cadenza but he was really talking to everyone at the table.

The bell rang and even though it qas loud I could still hear Cadenza quietly mimicking Laurance in a high pitched voice. 'Knock it off.' I followed Garroth out of the Cafeteria a and into the hall.

"You're not mad at me right?" Garroth asked. He wasn't looking at me but there was no one else around he could be talking to.

"No, why would I be mad at you?" I asked.

"How about because I kissed you for no reason, without your permission." Garroth said as if it were obvious. He sounded annoyed but I knew it wasn't at me.

"For no reason?" I asked looking up at him. He glanced at me but looked away instantly.

"I-no. Nevermind." Garroth sighed as he turned sharply in order to enter the classroom.


After my last class which is conveniently P.E I changed into more suitable clothes for softball practice. I walked onto the field and into the dugout where Ellie charged in to talk to me. I put my bag down to start getting my things out.

"So, Garroth." Ellie asked her voice making me smile.

"What about him?" I asked.

"You kissed. That's pretty cool." Ellie said stepping on the bench and sitting on the fence so she was taller than me.

"How so." I laughed.

"He has every girl in school after him and he kissed you." Ellie said poking me with her finger.

"I thought ypu didn't like Garroth." I said turning and looking at Ellie. Ellie shrugged.

"We have a love hate relationship." Ellie stated. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on we're starting practice." I said rolling my eyes and walking onto the field. Everyone else was either still making their way to the field, sitting in the grass, or playing catch.

"Stand up and do something." I called to them. I was being serious but still trying not to be mean.

"We know you kissed Garroth." One girl said completely ignoring what I had just said.

"Why does that matter?" I laughed slightly awkwardly.

"Are you guys dating?" A second girl asked.

"No." I said putting my head down.

"You should. That'd be cute. The softball captain dating the baseball captain." One girl said making her voice go high.

"Guys seriously." I said giving them all an annoyed expression.

"Yeah then he could help us at practice." One girl said.

"Ok first off, we aren't dating, second off I don't think he'd want to help a bunch of teenage girls, third of all we don't need help at my practices. " I said. The team captain was in charge of running only less than half of the practices. The others were all run by the coach and were much more painful to attend.

"You might not need help but we get a free romance movie." A girl said. I watched another girl turn around and hug herself doing that make out thing that never looks real.

"Ok I get it now can we practice." I said putely because I really didn't want to have this conversation.


I saw Marcus sitting on the couch as soon as I walked through the door. He looked at me instantly, holding up his pointer finger like he was about to say something smart. Even though he most likely was not.

"What's up." I questioned setting my bag down.

"What's up is that I talked to Katelyn today." Marcus said still looking at me.

"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because I was stupid and forgot you have practice but that's besides the point. She told me some rather interesting news." Marcus said pausing for what I assume was supposed to be dramatic affect.

"Which is?" I asked.

"You and a boy made lip contact." Marcus said popping the p and t.

"What's your point." I asked already slightly uncomfortable with where this was going.

"Do you know how horny teenage boys are." Marcus asked. I plugged my ears with my hand.

"No, and I would not like to know that." I stated keeping my hands over my ears even though I could completely still hear.

"Y/N I'm serious." Marcus stated sounding slightly disappointed.

"So am I." I said louder than needed. And with that I turned around and headed for the stairs.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now