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Your P.O.V


All of the other notes that had been left in my locker and long forgotten were now removed. I read the new, lone, note in my locker and froze slightly. It had been so long since Garroth left anything in my locker that I debated this was someone else messing with me, but ultimately decided no other person would have removed all the other notes.

I stood still for a moment before harshly digging through my backpack. I dug around for a long minute before pulling out my own pack of sticky notes. I dug again for a pencil and found one quickly. I had the pad of notes pushed harshly against my locker as I wrote.

Yes :)

And then even in the midst of the crowded halls I walked the opposite direction of my Science class. I pushed past every person I saw, making my one mission to get to Garroth's locker.

Garroth wasn't there which I expected. People were starting to leave the halls now so I was free to put the note in his locker in peace. The inside of his locker was filled with a binder I know he hasnt used once this year, many old papers, and what I estimated to be over 20 water bottles. I stuck the note in the top of his locker like he would do for me.

I was only halfway back to my class when the bell rang. But at the moment I didn't really care if I was late to class. And then I sat through class silently not picking up a word the teacher said. When the bell rang I sprinted down the stairs and pushed past so many people I somehow managed to get to the doorway of the cafateria before Garroth. Looking into the cafateria no one was sitting at our usual table which was my only indication that I had infact made it.

And within just a minute I spotted Garroth walking towards the cafeteria. I didn't wait for him to get to me, I ran up to him just afew feet away from the entrance. I grabbed both of his arms on either side.

"I left something in your locker." I said quickly.

People were still walking past us but there was a significantly smaller amount of people.

"You put something in my locker?" He questioned raising his eyebrows at me.

I nodded at him, he waited a moment before sprinting to the side. Ripping himself out of my grip. For a second I stood there slightly confused, until I looked down the hall and realised he was running towards his locker. I waited less than a second before sprinting after him. Of coarse Garroth had the head start and body mass to not get pushed around by others in the hall so he arived at his locker an hour before I did.

As I turned into the final hallway he was shutting his locker. He walked towards me very clearly repressing his expression. I covered my mouth with my palm as I walked towards him, for some reason not wanting him to see my smile.

He wrapped his arms around my waist quickly and tightly bringing me right next to him. He lifted up taking my feet just afew inches above the ground. My body was limp in his arms and at any moment it was possible I could have slipped through.

"Put me down." I nudged the back of his shoulder with my hand in a fist.

He put me down in the next second and before I had the chance to take a breath he put his hands on either side of my shoulders and spun me around. His hands were still on my shoulders as he lightly guided my forward until I started walking slowly.

"Get going, I'm hungry." He said.



After listening to Garroth complain from the end of lunch to 11 o'clock at night about being hungry, even though he had already eaten, I finally forced him to eat something so he would stop talking about it. I held the cinnamon sugar waffle out to him and by both pulling my wrist up and lowering his head he took a bite that took over half of it. I looked at the waffle and frowned at it and then at him before I took a much smaller bite.

"You told me to take a bite." Garroth said his voice slightly muffled from the immense amount of waffle that was still in his mouth.

"Yeah, a normal sized one." I said after having completely swallowed.

"That was normal." He said. I glared at him but turned away and stuffed my hand into the frozen bag of waffles. I placed two new ones in the toaster.

Garroth grabbed onto my wrist once again and bit off most of what was left of the waffle leaving only a small bit in my hand. I glared at him once again but instead of responding he quickly leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

"Ew, don't." I said, I pushed his shoulder away even though he was already leaning back to his previous position.

He mumbled something that I'm sure would have been partially inaudible even if he didnt have food in his mouth. He held his arms out clearly offended.

"Don't kiss me with food in your mouth, nasty." I said.

"Don't do it at all."

Marcus was at the bottom of the stairs and in one swift motion he was around the corner opening the fridge. He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Suck my toe." Garroth said, his voice still slightly muffled.

"No." Marcus squinted.

"Marcus thinks he can beat you up." I said, I hit Garroth in the stomach with a limp hand.

"Put'em up." Garroth said, he raised two very weak looking fists.

"No, I don't. I was going to but I don't need to anymore because you asked her." Marcus said. He turned around for the first time to look in the fridge.

"Because I what?" Garroth asked after just a second. Which was an understandable question because without context it seemed like he had just not finished his sentence.

"Asked me to prom." I said.

"Oh. I didnt, I wrote it on a piece of paper." He said, as if that hadn't counted.

"I don't care." I said. I looked over and reached towards the toaster to pull out the two new waffles. I handed one to Garroth, which he took and then held up to his mouth without taking a bite.

"Well it wasn't very romantic of me. I was being a pussy." Garroth said.

I put one hand on his arm and turned him around before I put a hand in his back and began pushing him towards the stairs.

"That's okay. I didn't expect you to at all." I said. I pushed him until his feet met the stair and he walked up them on his own, two at a time but very slow.

"You didn't?" Garroth asked.

"No." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you're a pussy." I said, he knew what I meant.

It's two weeks late and it's short but it's here! I hope you enjoy the chapter. Before you leave you should all check out my other book my prince. It's completely finished and much shorter than this book so if you're looking for something quicker to read you should give me a boost and check it out!

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