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Your P.O.V

"So your telling me, you couldn't come over on Friday because you were too busy making out with Garroth." Katelyn whined puffing out her cheeks.

"There was actually no making out involved, thank you. Now, can we get back to working on the project." I said leaning back and motioning my hands out to our poster board and supplies that were sprawled all over the bed.

"Why are you trying to avoid the subject." Katelyn wiggled her eyebrows at me "Did you get freaky."

"No." I said, my voice coming out extremely monotone. I glared over at her sharply. She dramatically rolled off of my bed as if my glare had stabbed her, then instantly sat up on the floor.

"Garroth doesn't have the balls anyways." Katelyn said making a slight duck face.

"Have you ever not judged someone, ever?" I laughed slightly.

Katelyn shrugged. "They know what their getting themselves into becoming friends with me." She joked.

"Ok, now can we get back to the project?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, what're we doing."

"Katelyn." I whined and tossed a pillow at her head.

"I'm kidding." She laughed, climbing back onto the bed.


The courtyard was busy, just like every morning. I stood silently next to Garroth, scrolling on my phone. I nudged into him every once and a while just because, he looked down at me each time as if I was getting his attention.

The bell rang after what felt like hours and I soon found myself slipping through the hallways to get to my locker. A bright pink sticky note sat lonely on the front of my locker. I peeled it off, I didn't really need to read it to know what it was going to say. I read it anyway.

I hate you!

I crumpled the paper in my hand and threw it on the bottom of my locker once it was opened. I put away the things I didn't need and grabbed the things I did, before turning to go to first period.


"Act like you love each other." Katelyn whined as she pushed me so my side pressed against Garroth. The lunch table was nearly empty at the moment so she was really just sliding both Garroth and I afew inches left.

"Okay!" I said smacking her hands away from me. I turned myself so I was facing straight ahead and turned only my head to look over at Garroth. He stared at me silently, as if waiting for me to say something. I glared at him and then looked away.

People piled into the lunch table. No one had noticed, or at least no one said anything, about the fact that looks much had been going on for almost 10 minutes and we were still missing Dante. Although everyone noticed when he sat down with a bruised and bloody lip.

"What the hell did you do?" Garroth asked, he raised his eyebrows at Dante and smirked.

"Slapped Emily's ass in front of Cameron." Dante mumbled, he leaned his face on his hand, but it didn't cover up any evidence of what happened.

"You ever think that maybe that's the reason you don't have a girlfriend?" Cadenza asked, she leaned across the table to look over at Dante.

The boys all laughed at this. Laurance, harder than I expected. Garroth smirked next to me but cover up his mouth with a closed fist.

Laurance had to have only been mad at Dante for a short time. This was both for the sake of the friend group and also because it seemed like Dante would never actually win Cadenza over. For multiple reasons which Cadenza knew and expressed often.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now